Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What the hay...after all he is a farmer from Kansas

Well, since I really can't think of anything better to write today (even though,I'm feeling a lot better than the last couple of days,lol). I figured I'd do another post on Superman, today. So, for this post I thought I'd go into the characteristics that make Superman compelling to me. The first one being that he knows what is right and what is wrong there may be some conflict on how he gets there, but there is no conflict in whether he is on the side of angels. Next is the fact that he is an optimist. No matter how dark things get or how futile everything seems Kal-El sees the silver lining and knows that as long as there is a will there is a way. He has a working class work ethic. To Kal-El there is nothing that hard work can't overcome in order to achieve the right results. He is a Hero and his mission on Earth is to be a symbol of hope. As long as you follow these guidelines, I feel your Superman project will be successful. I also feel this was the reason Superman Returns was an utter failure (which it was). You can't humanize a god and you shouldn't give Superman flaws, especially by making him a dead beat dad and a stalker. Because, of this movie I realized Brian Singer wasn't the great film maker I had thought he was.

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