Friday, April 24, 2009

Don't worry, aquaman. We'll take care of this one

So, in my attept to stop teasing Aquaman. I was thinking about how unfairly the Jutice League occasional treats him. I mean most of these guys (including Superman) only have one city to protect on their own and team up when there is a larger threat. Meanwhile, there's poor Aquaman prtecting all of the oceans, 70% of the Earth. All by himself, never asking for help and on top of this the Justice League treats him like a chump. WTF? Here's Aquaman protecting all the oceans and these cats that at most protect a State treat him like he's the hall monitor at the special kids school. That's just messed up.
Aquaman Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. On the other side, plankton does really respect him. That should count for something.

  2. I don't know, I distinctly remember someone getting raped on his watch right in front of him. Which leads me to believe that he's a terrible "super hero".
