Yesterday, I was thinking about the last couple of issues of JSA, when it dawned on me that something has been missing... Then I realised that thing it had been missing was it's under use of Stargirl. Now granted she has been shown prominently, however she really hasn't been the guiding force she usually is, I don't really blame any of the writers. After all in a team book you have to rotate how you choose ot focus on. Thinking about this got me on to thinking about the Super heroines I dig and what that might mean about my Psyche. Which got me thinking about what I should post and I figured it was time for one of my ever popular lists. So, here as it stands today, are the Super heroines I think are the coolest (and maybe a little insight into what this says about my taste in girls,lol).
And as always these are not listed in any sort of order (other than popping into my head in that order,lol).
Since, I already mentioned her. I'm going to start this list with Stargirl AKA Courtney Whitmore. I thin she is awesome for many of the same reasons I like Jubilee. They both have bubbly, outgoing personalities. Which I could be digging on just on the basis that as a LEO bubbly,outgoing girls are pretty attractive to me. Beyond that I really dig that she has gone from a junior member to a leadership role in the JSA in just a few short years. That is pretty awesome.
I guess that brings us to Jubilee. Ah, Ms. Jubilation Lee. How can you not love this firecracker (no, pun intended). The saddest thing about me love of Jubilee is how when I first became a fan of her she was a few years older than me and now she's roughly 10 years younger than me. From the first time I read about her (the X-Men's Atlantis Attacks Annual)to her staring role in the cartoon and even her cameos in the X-Men movies. Right on,I'm quite pissed about Joey Q's treatment of her from House of M up until and including her return in the New Warriors.
Speaking of Warriors. I could not do a post like this without mentioning the greatest warrior to ever escape Apokolips. That's right I'm talking about Barda Free...Big Barda herself.How can you not love Barda, she's a tough girl with a big loud personality. She is no shrinking violet that's for sure. She can be bombastic or sweet. She's loyal and kind.
Next I think I'll have to mention Zinda before it slips my mind. I'm not going to go to deep into the awesomeness that is Lady Blackhawk. Since, I did a whole post on that not too long ago. I'll just say this... She likes guns,booze and, fighting what's not to love.
I gues that this point I should probably mention my second favorite X-girl. Rogue, what's not to love about a southern belle that can punch through a brick wall. My favorite protrayal Rogue was when she had stolen Ms. Marvel's powers. She's tough as nails yet sensitive and longing to be touched without the consequences of killing another person. Plus she has that southern drawl (and accents are HAWT!).
Moving we come to Soranik Natu Doctor and Green Lantern pulled between her duties and her homeworld. She since her first appearence in the Green Lantern Corps. I have loved the way the writers have protrayed her. She is just plain awesome.
Last but not least is Molly Hayes from the Runaways. She's just so darn cute. Even when she is punching through walls. In a lot of ways she reminds me of my siblings and the daughters of my friends and family.
Well, I could go on and on about the Superheroines I love but I feel this is a good stopping point for now and I'm sure I'll be coming back to this subject in the future. But for now here's the list I'm going with
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This looks like a job for a Superheroine
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