Monday, April 6, 2009

Villians week: The Joker

Since, I can't think of anything else for this week. I'm gonna spend this week looking at my 5 favorite villains in comic books. Now, just to be clear this won't be a ranking of these five villains. It's just the ones I really dig, in no particular order. We begin with...

The Joker

joker by alex ross

What's not to love about the clown prince of crime. He is chaos incarnate, as Denny O'Neil has said on many occasions, The Joker is just as likely to kill you because he doesn't like your shoes as he is to give you $1,000 because he doesn't like your shoes. For the Joker all the rules and laws society has created are just one big joke on the poor saps that buy in to them. For me the best none comic interpretation of this character is Mark Hamill's portrayal of The Joker in Batman: TAS. As, good as Heath Ledger was as The Joker in The Dark Knight. I still hear Mark Hamill's voice when I read a comic with The Joker in it. He is the villain that all the other villains hate. Especially, villains like Darkseid and Lex Luthor. He isn't in it for the money or for power. He's in it for the shear fun of it (in his own deranged way). He has no moral compass or shame or sense of desencey. All he wants out of life is to kill Batman, a few Robins and maybe make a couple bucks along the way. which is the reason why he is such a fun villain. I think he's actually a bit funner when he takes on other heroes in the DCU rather than Batman, especially heroes like Superman.

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