Monday, April 20, 2009

Comic Fest 2009

So, last weekend was Comic Fest here in Denver. I went Friday and Saturday, I would have loved to attend on Sunday as well. But,a previous engagement kept me from going.My friend Carl's welcome back, which had it not been for seeing a bunch of old school friends and eating BBQ and drink moderately priced beer. I totally, would have gone to the last day. Anyways, back to the fest. It was quite fun I got an awesome Guy Gardner sketch from Armando Durruthy and I got a sign and sketch copy of Fool's Gold from Amy Reeder Hadley. Both of them are super nice folks and I hope that get much attention in the world of comic books.Right now, I'm still waiting to get in touch with Karl Christian to get a print of his drawing of Hank Williams from the his Famous Drunks line he did for Modern Drunkard (magazine). Hopefully, I get that print soon. 'cuz I'm a huge Hank Williams (senior) fan. Another thing I did while I was there was to have Mike Baron (Nexus, The Badger) check out and critique some of my stories. He gave me some really helpful advice and a couple helpful hints to get editors to check my stuff out and even told me I'm pretty good at coming up with neat ideas for comic books. So, hopefully I'll improve in the next year I'll be blowing some minds with my awesome comic book writing skillz. LOL

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