Tuesday, April 28, 2009

No Sushi For YOU!

I wasn't going to do another Aquaman post today. First of all because,I'm not really a fan (all though I did buy Aquaman Showcase volume 3 today, some maybe that Bob Haney wackiness will change my mind,lol). Second of all I was pretty sure I was all out of things to say about our aquatic friend (not to be confused with our favorite aquatic fiend,lol). but, looking at the popularity of the posts (and my opportunistic nature) I figured what the hell. So, here's another story idea for DC to consider. In this story Aquaman is upset after Japanese fishermen kill his favorite whale and declares war on Japan. He then forms an army of Atlantians and ocean creatures and attacks the tiny island. After the surprise attack the Japanese contact the Justice League hoping that his colleagues can talk Aquaman out of his blood lust for sushi lovers. Superman attempts to talk to Aquaman but, he is beyond reason claiming that Japan was just the first battle after they were defeated he would then move on to other fishing cultures until all those whom consumed his friends are dead. He then yells out "No Red Lobster or Joe's Crab Shack is safe while Arthur Curry lives!" With that Superman goes to Batman, since Batman being Batman has a contingency plan, just in case something like this ever happened. Batman gets on all his bat-scuba gear and hunts down Aquaman. When he finally finds him, Batman ties him up and forces Aquaman to watch as Batman perpares and then cooks up fried calimari for the rest of the Justice League. The story then ends with Aquaman locked up in the back of a JOe's Crab Shack.
aquaman Pictures, Images and Photos

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