Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Economic of a superhero universe

Lately, I've been kind of wondering what jobs there would be in the Marvel or DC universes for normal people and what jobs in the real world would be made unnessecary by having superhumans existing in the world. For instance,In a world where Quicksilver or the Flash live do you really need a Post Office? Couldn't either of them do that as a part time job? going off on a bit of a tangent why didn't any of the Flashes or Kid Flashes or for that matter Quicksilver ever start a delivery company. Seriously, how would UPS or FEDex or any other company compete with under 60 seconds or your next deliver is free. For that matter how would people like Richard Dawkins sell any books, would he have to start writing about some other subject? After all how do you write about God not existing if not only God exists but, so does every God from every mythology does,as well. Maybe he would just write books about what assh**es the gods are. Further more with people like Reed Richards or Mr Terrific wondering around the place would you really the power companies or any of the fuel and energy industries? Well, these are just some of the things rattling around in my empty head,lol.

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