Thursday, April 9, 2009

Villians week: Darkseid

Well, now that villain;s week is getting close to the end here at Monkey Knife Fight. I thought i would talk about the villain that probably has given Superman and and the rest of the DCU the most problems. A villain so awesome only Jack Kirby himself could have created him...That's right...I'm talking about...


Seriously, of all the villains from either Marvel or DC comics Darkseid is my favorite. From terrorizing Mr. Miracle and the New Gods to become one of Superman's most terrifying foes. Darkseid is just plain awesome. Either, because of or in spite of the fact that he is fated to fail in his life's goal of making everyone in the universe bow to his might.As he quest to uncover the Anti-Life Equation and destroy the New Gods. He is both terrifying and comical in his verbose mannerisms.The in the
DC universe there is one villain as deadly, scary or, evil as... Darkseid.

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