Friday, January 23, 2009

The many loves of Peter Parker

I thought it would be fun to analyze the love life of Peter Parker (since I dodn't have one to analyze I thougt this would be the next best thing,lol). So,first there was Gwen Stacy,the original girl nextdoor in Pete's life. Pete loved this girl and wanted to marry her. The main problem in their relationship (well,until the Green Goblin killed her) was that every time he would go to tell her he was Spider-Man she would express the anti-Spidey sentiments fueled by the Daily Bugle and then later she was led to believe that Spidey killed her father and after that Peter Parker knew he could never tell her he was Spider-Man thus he could not completely share his life with her and then finally she was killed by the Green Goblin tossing her off of the George Washington bridge. After this Peter began dating Mary Jane but after he proposed to her and she said no (for the first time) they were through. So,in stepped the Black Cat, she started out as a cat burgler whom had a thing for Spidey. After awhile she reformed and became a hero and they began dating. After awhile Pete decided to share his secret identity with her and this time his girlfriend's problem wasn't with Spider-Man but, rather with the Black Cat she was not as fond of Peter Parker as she was with Spidey. Because Pete believes under his mask and without it on he is Peter Parker thus,he could not be with a girl who liked his heroic identity more than his real one this relationship could not last and back came Mary Jane Watson. Mary Jane was the only girl Peter dated that liked him as both Peter Parker and Spider-Man. She was the only one of this handful of serious girlfriends he has had that liked him for whom he was both in and out of the costume and that is why (in the context of the books,anyways) why they got married. She was the only one that thought he was just as heroic when he was going to work and paying the bills as he was when he was fighting supervillians who were trying to destroy the city and that is why it is a shame that they have lost their marriage to editorial mandate. After all isn't that what all of us want out of a partner, not just someone who likes the image we project (whether because of insecutity or whatever) but someone who likes us for who we are in those small moments when we let our guard down and show who we truly are. I know that's what I'm looking for though most of the time girls tend to act like the Black Cat with Spidey liking the image alot more than the real person. Well,I'm starting to ramble so I'd better end this before I say something really dumb,lol.

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