Friday, January 23, 2009

The geekiness continues

Since I haven’t done a list in awhile, I thought it would be fun to share with you my favorite super heroines. Plus, I thought maybe this would give me a little insight into the type of girls I like
(and in case you’re new to this place these are in no particular order)
So,without any further ado...
Zatanna - What’s not to love, she’s a sorceress with a neat gimmick (sdrawkcab meth gniyas yb slleps gnitsac) and what red-blooded guy doesn’t love a girl in fishnets and tails.
Wolfsbane - Ah, Ms. Rahne Sinclear I’ve dug her since back in her New Mutant days. There’s just something about a shy girl with a christian upbringing and the ability to turn into a wolf that just had me from the word go.
Jubilee - Oh, how I luv Jubes (when I was a wee lad I had a huge crush on her) I know her powers are kinda lame and she can be obnoxious.But, it doesn’t matter.
Big Barda - What can I say Barda is just awesome. She’s just as strong as Superman and is married to the super escape artist Mr.Miracle.
Kitty Pryde - I don’t think there is any guy whose into comics whom has not had a crush on her at some point. She’s super smart, she’s a ninja and she has a pet dragon (what’s not to love).
Rogue - especially when she could fly and had super strength and it makes you sad thinking about how if she kisses or holds hands with a fellow she could kill him. The poor girl
Stargirl - She’s just fun :)
Raven - Aw, my love of goth girls knows no bounds.
Black Cat - MEOW!
Siryn - PAD is such an awesome writer she has totally crept in (plus how can you not like a girl who dated Deadpool and actually dug him).
Well, that’s all of them I can think of right now.Plus, I don’t wanna go on listing and listing and listing until the eyes of the few people who read this glaze over. The only similarities between these girls seems to be their XX chromosomes. Unless someone else out there has a bit more insight. I guess, what I’ve learned is I like girls everyone of them I’ve liked (in the real world and not so real worlds of DC and Marvel) has a something unique and special about them that I just can’t resist (Now,if only they felt the same way about me but, I guess that should probably be left for another post). I dunno, I’m all outta ideas so... Until next time... Keep watching the, I mean skies

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