Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I don't care if it's literature, I just want to know if there's any action and maybe a little meladrama

With all the stuff floating around about Final Crisis and the fact that nobody reads this I thought it was a good time to speak up on what I think about some of the "genuis" writers in comics. No doubt this will make some people angry but, then again it's not like they'll read this so, i'm not too worried about their wrath. I guess I should start with Grant Morrison, I think he's an alright writer but, certainly not as great as everyone else seems to think. His run on JLA was okay, I never read his run on X-Men because the art was terrible and his run on Batman was decent but personally, I liked Paul Dini's stuff on Detective better. Alan Moore, again I think his work is a bit overrated. I really dug his Superman stories and The Killing Joke was pretty good as well. Even The league of Extrodordanary Gentlemen had its moments and my only real complaint about The Watchmen was its shear density (and no I'm not talking about its near phonebook size). He's definitly a good writer but, I don't really see what all the fuss is about. Then there's Frank Miller, His run on Daredevil was great and so was The Dark Knight returns but as far as I'm concered that was his peak. Everything since then seems like retreads of the stuff he did in those books. Personally, I prefer the journeymen writers like Chuck Dixon, Keith Giffen, The Simonsons, Goeff Johns, Peter David, etc, etc. I don't know know I've just never been into the stuff (in movies and comics) where critics and fans are like "Now this is high art." Me, I'm like "Meh."

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