Friday, January 23, 2009

Could just be me

I was re-watching the Iron Giant and it occured to me (like it does everytime I watch it). This film has a really sad ending. Which is similar to the ending of the orginal Frankenstein movie. While in the orginal Frankenstein the monster is killed by the townspeople after he accidentally kills a little girl. In The Iron Giant the robot is seemingly destroyed by an over zealous bauricrat (whom luanchs a nuke at an American town to kill the giant). With both these movies I always feel sad watching these events unfold. It's probably because of the subtext of things that are monsterous looking, if it does something to get noticed by people.They will want to destroy it or maybe they're both are metaphors for conformity. That certainly fits with The Iron Giant, for no other reasons than that it is set at the beginning of the sixties (the absolute high point of conformity in America) and one the protagonists being a so-called beatnic (Dean) and the villain being an over zealous government agent. Then the the Frankenstein monster being chased down by the townspeople (whom are armed with torches and pitchforks) and once the catch him they will attempt to kill him. Of course, these movies also point out the problems with Occam's Razor.

On the other hand that could just be me XD

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