Friday, January 23, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

Something that always weirded me out in comics is that both Bruce Wayne's and Clark Kent's moms are named Martha and I think I have finally solved the problem with this. Here it is Martha was living a double life in the country married to Jonathan Kent and the other living in the city, but not just any city Gotham City as Thomas Wayne's wife. After years of living this double life Martha could no longer take it and decide the only way she could leave Thomas and their son was fake her own death. Well, she hired a man named Joe Chill to do this but, knowning how the Waynes were he decided that he would make a little extra money on the job by killing and robbing Thomas Wayne (when he was supposed to just fire blanks at Martha). He then carried out this gruesome task and after her friend in the morgue, pronounced her dead and let her go. Martha went back to Smallville and acted like nothing had every happened. Leaving poor Bruce Wayne an orphan while she helped to shape Clark Kent's value system never telling him about her horrible secret.

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