Friday, January 23, 2009

He talks to fish fer chritsake

I don't know exactly why,but one comic book character I've never really liked is Aquaman. Even as a little kid watching Superfriends, I was not a happy camper when it was an Aquaman heavy episode. I think my problem with him even then was that his power is...That he talks to fish (okay some may agrue if that's his only power and to them I say...Whatev.(no not even the full statement)). Some folks have tried to get me to change my attitude on this subject and it never has worked. So, on to the meat of this post. The main reason I told the story above was to go into this... Why I should not be allowed to write JLA. Because if I was I would totally have the other JLAers make fun of him...Even Batman (Who has no superpowers). I would have them going out to eat and when Aquaman asked what they were up to the answer would be something like, Not much just goin' out to Benny Hanna's (or some other seafood or sushi place) or Oh,look it's the guy who talks to fish. Of course, the fun thing about writing a story with Aquaman in it would be if the villian(s) grabbed him and dropped him in a fish stick processing plant or the desert or something.I would laugh my head off at the fish stick story at any rate. I was kinda hoping this would help me come to terms with my dislike of Aquaman and make me try and apprecciate him. Well, no dice. In fact, this may have given me a new hobbie. So, with that I turn it over to you my faithful reader...How would you torture Aquaman (besides having Peter David write his stories again,lol)

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