Thursday, January 29, 2009

I really want a GL bowling shirt and maybe a track suit

ARG! Todays been pretty hectic I had to take a mid-term and do some homework. Which is the reason it is so late in the day and I hadn't posted a new blog yet. well, since my time is pretty limited today this is going to be a bit short. Anyways, Here we go...
Every once in a while I wonder why neither DC or Marvel has put out a clothing line. I mean there are enough comic book fans out there that this could easily make money. So, I thought I'd take up the challenge and tell these folks how to make some more money.
If I was in charge of Marvel I would put a an Xavier's School for Higher Learning clothing line. This line of clothes would include sports jackets, gym shirts and shorts, ties, tie pins, varisity and junior varisity jackets, hoodies, track suits and anything else I could think of. All of them would include (somewhere on them) the Xavier's School logo.
As for DC, I would do a Green Lantern clothing line. Besides the GL jackets, hoodies and shirts they already produce, it would include wifebeaters, hawaiin shirts (like the one Guy sports in GLC #4) bowling shirts. track suits and whatever else I could think of, and of course all the different GL rings would be available in basic and light and sound versions.
Personally, I think this idea would be like printing money for both of the big two. Now if only they'd give me a job in their marketing depts. I would be on my way to making this a reality.

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