Superman - 'Cuz you kind of have to have him in it to truly be the Justice League.
Batman - What can I say he makes everything 40% cooler.
The Question (Vic Sage) - I thought they used him to great effect in the JLU and ever since then I thought he should be a member.
Booster Gold - Just to make sure there's enough comic relief plus I'd have him mentor Jaime.
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) - I was never a big fan of the Teen Titans and besides that I always thought it was more of a team for sidekicks. Plus I think it would hilarious to have Booster working as his mentor.
Guy Gardner - He should be on every team in the DCU as far as I'm concerned. Plus I think his interactions with Superman would be worth the price of admission. Of course, you also have to have a Green Lantern on the team, so....
Mr. Miracle - He makes a great dues ex machina.
Big Barda - She's Scott's wife so if you're gonna have him on the team you pretty much have to have her on it and plus She is just plain awesome.
Zatanna - You need a magician on the time and no one looks better in fishnets and a top hat than Zatanna does.
Stargirl - Every team needs a bubbly teenager. For me she'd basically fill in Jubilee's role in the X-Men (plus it would be fun doing jokes about her cosmic rod and Barda's mega-rod,lol)
Oracle - Someone has to do monitor duty while everyone else is fighting off the hordes of Apokolips and I personally feel she is the smartest person in the DCU and you can never have too many smart people on a team (unless it's the Avengers, since most of their smart people are really crazy as well). Plus she's great at tactical support.
Nightwing - Mainly because I still dig the Superfriends. Also, it would give him more time to hang out with Babs.
Wildcat - Just to have as a drill sergeant. Every team needs a drill sergeant.
The Flash (Wally West) - Every Justice League needs a Flash and since he's the one I'm most familiar with....
Well, there you have it. My Awesome Justice League team of awesomeness. I decided to go with a team of 14 member because that seems to be the perfect size for a Justice League team.