Monday, March 2, 2009

A strange thought about Green Lantern history

So, this weekend I had a strange thought. That thought was this considering the history, if Guy Gardner was as self aware as oh let's say Animal Man. Wouldn't Guy dislike John Stewart? After all when Denny O'Neil decided to create John Stewart ('cuz DC needed a black Green Lantern to be relavant,I guess) he had to get Guy out of the way and he accomplished this by having a bus fall on Guy. After this Guy Gardenr was out of comission for about a decade. If I was him I know I'd be irked. Besides, that one could also make the argument that because John was picked to be in the JLU cartoon it took until a new series for Guy Gardner to make his debut in another medium rather than just comics. So,taking all this into account I don't think Guy would like John if he was aware of all of this. But, that's just my two cents.

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