Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Morgan Vs. Morgaine

So, the other day I was trying to come up with the weirdest or wackiest Marvel/DC crossover that should be and this is what I came up with... Morgan Le Fay (Marvel) and Morgaine Le Fey (DC) team up against Etrigan, Wonder Woman, Iron Man and Spider Woman. Tell me that doesn't sound awesome already. Here's the story both Morgan and Morgaine (boy, this could get confusing fast) are conjuring up something in their universes when at the same time they accidental access a portal to each other's universe. Just as this happens Iron Man and Spider Woman (how have been trying to track down Morgan) stumble in on the two of them crossing into the DCU and decide to follow. Back in the DCU Jason Blood senses something off in the universe and decides to contact the Justice League for help, they think he's just being weird but better safe than sorry they decide to send Diana out to help him. After all she is one of the heavy hitters on the team and has ties to the mystic universe, so why not. Meanwhile, Morgan and Morgaine have trapped Spider Woman in stone as Iron Man narrowly escaped. He flies out of their lair and attempts to find someone to help him and while he's doing all of this Jason Blood is explaining what he felt and how the universe could be affected to Diana and she decides to help him find out what's behind all of this and they decide they'd better check out the DCU's most powerful and mystical villains. While flying around carrying Jason, Diana spies Iron Man flying through the air and decides they'd better find out who this guy is. They meet up chat about whats going on, Tony hits on Diana and she punches him through a wall and then it's on to battle Morgan Le Fay and Morgaine Le Fey. Jason turns into Etrigan, they battle and everything ends up hunky dory as Morgaine and Morgan let Jessica Drew out of her stone imprisonment and in the end Tony and Jessica return to the Marvel U with Morgaine Le Fey. She winks at the audience and sets up the possibility for another story.
And there you have it, Jay's wacky Morgan Vs. Morgaine DC/Marvel crossover.

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