Friday, March 13, 2009

Can't Blog Clown Will Eat Me!

Well, I don't really have much to say today. So, I just thought I'd write up a few remarks on how big comic book movies have gotten over the past few years. Of course, the funniest thing about this phenomenon is how Hollywood has viewed comic books in the past and how us comic book fans knew better. We've know for awhile that if the companies used the right stories and spent enough money to do them right, that comic book movies could be completely awesome. No matter what genre the books were and I think we should all take a little pride in the fact that Hollywood really doesn't know anything. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. It really is only a bad thing when the moguls, producers and, stars think they know something about what people want to watch. Of course, if true Redacted or Stop Loss would have made more than $15(combined). I think one of the many problems throughout the entertainment business (including comics) is when they try to stick with a certain formula because they think that it was that formula that made the project work. when in reality it was the project that worked and the formula was just a way of getting from point A to point B. I also think these industries have a problem with trying to find new and better material rather than doing retreads or figuring out that "winning" formula. I feel they should take more risk and throw more ideas against the wall to see, what sticks. After all Watchmen wasn't a good comic because it was "grim and gritty" it was good because Alan Moore is an insane genius. Well, that's my two cents have a good weekend.

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