Thursday, March 26, 2009

The new Bat Titles

Well, it's snow quite feircely out here and I'm being a bit lazy. So, I thought I'd throw in my two cents about the new Bat books coming out in June. From every thing I've seen about that so far the only on that looks interesting enough for me to try out is Batman and Robin. Other than that I think I'm going to drop the ones replces all of the other Bat-family books I was reading. Really the only Bat book (if it can be considered one) that I'm really looking forward to is Oracle's mini-miniseries. Other than that one they all seem knida lame so, it looks like I'm going to free up quite a bit of space in my comic book budget. I guess I can try out some new stuff or whatever. At least they haven't screwed with GLC or Booster otherwise I wouldn't be reading much of the monthly books. I guess that's good. Well, that's all I have to say today. Hopefully the sun comes out so I can go see "I love you,man" tonight. Otherwise it's gonna be a pretty lame night for this one letter wonder.

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