Monday, March 30, 2009

The Cure to your Calculator Blues

It's snowing again, here in Denver and now I feel a bit silly about spraying all those CFCs into the air for all those years hoping that one day there would be no more snow. Alas, it hasn't worked. Oh well, let's get back to comics. This weekend I read the new Oracle mini series. So, for it doesn't seem to terrible. Though, that opinion may change with the next issue. But, so far it seems interesting. My only major complaint so far, is using Calculator as the main villain. I was pretty much done with him after the last Birds of Prey arc and now he's back *grrr* Other than that it seems pretty intriguing and I'm gonna keep reading it for now. I'm still holding out a little hope that Zinda will make an appearance but, I'm not holding my breath.

1 comment:

  1. Now that you mention it, I didn't even notice the Calculator was there... I think I was just too drawn into the character of Barbara and the other girl... you know, the beheaded one :P

    Still, I agree, the Calculator is not the best of choices for this mini's antagonist.
