Friday, March 6, 2009

Love is a many splendored thing

Well, it's that time of the week again. Time when I take a little break from typing things up and go out and try to spend some time in the real world. So, I thought I'd leave this week on a positive note and give you folks a list of my favorite couples in comic books. Not all them are current and some of them may even be out of print at the moment but, it's my list so i get to make the rules and my rule is that these couple can be from any age and any company :P
...And on that lovely note, let's begin. Shall we?

Guy Gardner and Tora Olafsdotter - At the moment this is my favorite couple between them starting over in the current issues of GLC and my re-reading the old JLI books, this couple is tops in my books. Plus I really dig the dynamics of their relationship and how Tora is one of the few people in the DCU that can tell Guy he's being an idiot and he'll actually listen and try to correct it.

Peter Parker and Felicia Harding - I'm not sure why but, of all the girls Pete's been with the Blackcat is my favorite and every time they team up I hope finally this time they'll hookup for the long haul. At the same time though, it totally makes sense to me that she prefers Spidey to Petey (can't blame her for that). Personally, I always felt that her main gripe was that she didn't believe he's really being himself when he's just being Pete and that he was always denying just how funny swinging through New york's skyline really was. Well, that and he tends to whine ALOT as Peter Parker,lol.

The Maxx and Julie Winters - Like alot of folks my age I got turned on to this series by the show on MTV and then went and got the books and every once in awhile I re-read them and in my mind (despite all their flaws like mental illness for one example) this is one of the cutest,sweetest couples in comics.

Scott Summers and Jean Grey - I think they should always end up together.

Jamie Madrox and Theresa Rourke Cassidy - Even though he (or one of his dupes) always finds a way to screw things up. I feel that in the end she will always forgive him and that one day they will live happily ever after together.

Tim Drake and Jubilation Lee - One of if not THE perfect couples in comics, even if they were only a couple during a pretty lame crossover it still counts and I thought it was awesome.

Well, there you have it the list of me favorite comic book couples. I hope you have enjoyed this post and have a great weekend. See you next week =D

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