Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Free, Scott Free
You know, I may have said this before. But, I think Mr.Miracle has a great gimmick. He's THE SUPER ESCAPE ARTIST!I just think that is such a cool and unique idea as the main protagonist. He can literally escape anything. It's a great way to keep the threats of each issue from getting to high, while still keeping the excitement up. Each issue your like well, of course he's going to escape from the trap. But, how is he going to escape? I also think that one of the reasons he doesn't do so good in his own book is for this very reason. I sure hope when DC (if they haven't already) bring back Scott Free, they will give him a back story in a book. Because, I think he's the perfect character for a back up story. give him 10 pages to do his thing and escape some insanely elaborate trap and an occasional story about him and Barda trying to have a relaxing Saturday night together and that it. Enough stories for at least 12 installments. Man, that Jack Kirby sure was a genius XD
back up stories,
Big Barda,
Comic Book Industry,
DC comics,
Jack Kirby,
Mr. Miracle
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Cure to your Calculator Blues
It's snowing again, here in Denver and now I feel a bit silly about spraying all those CFCs into the air for all those years hoping that one day there would be no more snow. Alas, it hasn't worked. Oh well, let's get back to comics. This weekend I read the new Oracle mini series. So, for it doesn't seem to terrible. Though, that opinion may change with the next issue. But, so far it seems interesting. My only major complaint so far, is using Calculator as the main villain. I was pretty much done with him after the last Birds of Prey arc and now he's back *grrr* Other than that it seems pretty intriguing and I'm gonna keep reading it for now. I'm still holding out a little hope that Zinda will make an appearance but, I'm not holding my breath.
Barbara Gordon,
Birds of Prey,
Lady Blackhawk,
new comics,
Oracle: The Cure
Friday, March 27, 2009
Snow Ball Fight!
Here in Denver yesterday, there was a pretty bad snowstorm. I honor of that (and the fact that I can't think of anything to write today,lol). I thought I'd post this comic in honor of the Batman theme we here at Monkey knife Fight, have been doing this week. So, without futher ado... I give you...
Batman and sons,
Monkey Knife Fight,
snow day
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The new Bat Titles
Well, it's snow quite feircely out here and I'm being a bit lazy. So, I thought I'd throw in my two cents about the new Bat books coming out in June. From every thing I've seen about that so far the only on that looks interesting enough for me to try out is Batman and Robin. Other than that I think I'm going to drop the ones replces all of the other Bat-family books I was reading. Really the only Bat book (if it can be considered one) that I'm really looking forward to is Oracle's mini-miniseries. Other than that one they all seem knida lame so, it looks like I'm going to free up quite a bit of space in my comic book budget. I guess I can try out some new stuff or whatever. At least they haven't screwed with GLC or Booster otherwise I wouldn't be reading much of the monthly books. I guess that's good. Well, that's all I have to say today. Hopefully the sun comes out so I can go see "I love you,man" tonight. Otherwise it's gonna be a pretty lame night for this one letter wonder.
Batman and Robin,
Booster Gold,
DC comics,
I love you,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Batman makes even Adam West a bad ass
So, I can't really blog today. But, I still wanted to keep up the Batman theme. so, here's Batman (as played by Adam West) fighting a shark. Enjoy!
Adam West,
Batman:The Movie,
DC comics,
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
E Pluribus Batman
So,as promised I'm going into the main plot for when Batman is one his own.
Act One
Batman is doing his normal thing beating up the criminals he comees across. Then he starts to see something that is conecting the latest rash of crimes. All the to be honest I think only Batman can see these connections seeing how Gotham City is one of the worst fictional cities, ever.
Act Two
Batman is now certain that these crimes are connected and someone is behind all of this, somewhere in the background pulling all of the strings. So, he goes and beats up his rogues whom are stuck in Arkham Asylum and then goes and beats up the rogues that have escaped/been released looking for answers.
Act Three
He has found out who the puppet master is and is off to F**k His S**T Up.
He does this then villian asks for mercy and Batman cracks off a oneliner and cracks the villian's ribs. He then either tells the villian never to come back to Gotham City or else... or he sends them off for a long vacation up at Arkham. THE END
...and there you have it the majority of stories when Batman is on his own.
Act One
Batman is doing his normal thing beating up the criminals he comees across. Then he starts to see something that is conecting the latest rash of crimes. All the to be honest I think only Batman can see these connections seeing how Gotham City is one of the worst fictional cities, ever.
Act Two
Batman is now certain that these crimes are connected and someone is behind all of this, somewhere in the background pulling all of the strings. So, he goes and beats up his rogues whom are stuck in Arkham Asylum and then goes and beats up the rogues that have escaped/been released looking for answers.
Act Three
He has found out who the puppet master is and is off to F**k His S**T Up.
He does this then villian asks for mercy and Batman cracks off a oneliner and cracks the villian's ribs. He then either tells the villian never to come back to Gotham City or else... or he sends them off for a long vacation up at Arkham. THE END
...and there you have it the majority of stories when Batman is on his own.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Plot Batman (but don't forget the standard deviation)
So, I thought it would be fun to write out the main plot writers have used in Batman for the last 20 years. So, today I thought I'd do the plot to Batman stories involving the Bat-Family and 2moro I'll do the solo Batman plot. So, let's get started.
Act One
Batman has been acting like more of a jerkass than usually and one of his rogue's decides to take adventage of this situation. Which creates the problem that will take the story to it's conclusion.
Act Two
The Bat-Family sees that Batman is in over his head and that he needs their help.
The try to lend him their help and he rebuffs them. So, that help him out without his knowledge.
Act Three
BAtman tells the Bat-Family to mind their one business and stay out of his way. The Bat-Fam tells him he needs their help and he's gonna like it or lump it. So, he grudgingly let's them help.
Act Four
Combining their efforts Batman and the Bat-Fam, capture the villian and restore order and Batman promises he will never treat them as poorly again. THE END
There you have it the plot to every Bat-Family crossover.
Act One
Batman has been acting like more of a jerkass than usually and one of his rogue's decides to take adventage of this situation. Which creates the problem that will take the story to it's conclusion.
Act Two
The Bat-Family sees that Batman is in over his head and that he needs their help.
The try to lend him their help and he rebuffs them. So, that help him out without his knowledge.
Act Three
BAtman tells the Bat-Family to mind their one business and stay out of his way. The Bat-Fam tells him he needs their help and he's gonna like it or lump it. So, he grudgingly let's them help.
Act Four
Combining their efforts Batman and the Bat-Fam, capture the villian and restore order and Batman promises he will never treat them as poorly again. THE END
There you have it the plot to every Bat-Family crossover.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Zinda, Zinda, Zinda
Well the internet ate my post for today so, here's a montage of Zinda I found on youtube done to the song "I'm the toughest girl alive" I was going to write more about today until the interwebs ate it. I really hope DC is not going to just throw Zinda into oblivion now that Bird of Prey is no more.
Well, I hope you enjoy this post. Have a good weekend and I'll see you next week :D
Well, I hope you enjoy this post. Have a good weekend and I'll see you next week :D
Birds of Prey,
DC comics,
Lady Blackhawk,
music video,
Zinda Blake
Thursday, March 19, 2009
BoP! RiP! :*(
Well, the Birds of Prey have broken up (at least for now) and I'm already feeling sad about it. Granted the last issue came out a week or two ago. But, still. I really enjoyed this book since I started reading it a few years ago back when it was just Huntress, Black Canary, and Oracle; yet after the TV show. I read it a few times before then and for whatever reason it just never clicked with me. But, then around '06 I really started to dig it. For me this is when it began firing on all cylinders and once Gail Simone added Ms. Zinda Blake and I was completely hooked (Although, for some reason I called her Zindi for the longest time and I have really no clue why). Then, when they added Barda I was completely over the moon. I'm a big fan of Mrs. Barda Free. My only compliant about the time Barda was on the team is that I think they should have Scott appear more then just in a panel or two. Needlessly to say, I've really enjoyed this comic these last few years and really my only major compliant about the last issue was how Barbara left Charlie (AKA Misfit), For me that just felt off after everything that had happened between the two of them in the last couple of years. Other than that and The Letter. I thought it was a pretty good final issue and I can't wait to see the first issue of Babs' miniseries. I just hope it doesn't suck.

Big Barda,
Birds of Prey,
Black Canary,
Final Issue,
Gail Simone,
Lady Blackhawk,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Lady Blackhawk - Hawkah!
Today I thought I'd talk about a character that I didn't really know about until I started reading Birds of Prey and that character is... Ms. Zinda Blake AKA Lady Blackhawk. I love Zinda! And really what's not to love she's a pilot, she likes drinking and fighting and, best of all she wears a skirt. I'm a big fan and proponent of girls wearing skirts. Thanks to Gail Simone and the writers who followed her on the Birds of Prey. She's become one of favorite female characters. One of the things most of them have been able to do (at least how I read the books) is keep that old timey cadence of hers. Whenever I'm reading BoP she sounds (in my head, anyways) like she was plucked from a movie from the 40s. Which just adds to her awesomeness and sexiness. She's tough enough to knock out Spy Smasher without losing her femininity. Zinda is a lady through and through, but at the same time I would not doubt that she could out drink almost anyone in the DCU. Another thing that amuses me is that in my mind she could totally take out Dick and Tim, in her skirt without flashing anything naughty. 'cuz she's just that cool. Plus, I maintain that she and Ted Grant (Wildcat) are drinking buddies that like to talk about the good old days and arm wrestle.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ultimate Drunk and Rowdy Teams
To celebrate St. Patty's Day. I thought I'd come up with the rowdiest, drinkingest fightingest teams for Marvel and DC. Becuase at the moment I'm digging DC more than Marvel I thought I'd start with their team first.
The Losers:
Guy Gardner - Team Leader. He owns a bar and honestly I don't think there's anyone more rowdy than him.
Zinda Blake/Lady Blackhawk - I love Zinda. There aren't many men in the world that can match her in drinks or in a brawl. She's a two-fisted drinker and slugger with a pair of 9mms just in case things get heavy.
Jonah Hex - the drunken timetraveler. He likes whiskey and fightin' what could go wrong,lol.
Slam Bradley - Two-fisted boxer and drinker.
Ted Grant/Wildcat - For some reason (probably 'cuz they're about the same age) I've thought for a long time it would be fun if Ted and Zinda were drinking buddies. It just seems a natural to me.
The Howling Commandos:
Nick Fury - Team Leader. The cigar choppin' whiskey drinking, fight starting kid from Hell's Kitchen.
Logan/James Howlett/Wolverine - Besides the fact that the clause in his contract with Marvel states he must be on every team. This is a natural team for him to be on.
Theresa Rourke Cassidy/Siryn - She's an irish screamer ;) What's not to love. Granted she's a recovering alcoholic,but I think it would be alright for her to relapse to be on this team.
Ben Grimm/The Thing - His favorite things in life: cigars, girls, beer and, fights.
It's clobberin' time!
Tony Stark/Iron Man - He and the suit practically run on pure grain alcohol. You can not have a team of dedicated drinkers without Tony Stark. Let's just hope Theresa isn't left alone with him for more than a couple of minutes or some neighborhoods may need to replace all their windows.
So, there you have it. In honor of St. Patty's Day. I give you the Marvel and DC's rowdiest, Drinkinest, Fightinest teams. The only Thing I think of to make these teams better is to have them fight each other in a five issue crossover.
The Losers:
Guy Gardner - Team Leader. He owns a bar and honestly I don't think there's anyone more rowdy than him.
Zinda Blake/Lady Blackhawk - I love Zinda. There aren't many men in the world that can match her in drinks or in a brawl. She's a two-fisted drinker and slugger with a pair of 9mms just in case things get heavy.
Jonah Hex - the drunken timetraveler. He likes whiskey and fightin' what could go wrong,lol.
Slam Bradley - Two-fisted boxer and drinker.
Ted Grant/Wildcat - For some reason (probably 'cuz they're about the same age) I've thought for a long time it would be fun if Ted and Zinda were drinking buddies. It just seems a natural to me.
The Howling Commandos:
Nick Fury - Team Leader. The cigar choppin' whiskey drinking, fight starting kid from Hell's Kitchen.
Logan/James Howlett/Wolverine - Besides the fact that the clause in his contract with Marvel states he must be on every team. This is a natural team for him to be on.
Theresa Rourke Cassidy/Siryn - She's an irish screamer ;) What's not to love. Granted she's a recovering alcoholic,but I think it would be alright for her to relapse to be on this team.
Ben Grimm/The Thing - His favorite things in life: cigars, girls, beer and, fights.
It's clobberin' time!
Tony Stark/Iron Man - He and the suit practically run on pure grain alcohol. You can not have a team of dedicated drinkers without Tony Stark. Let's just hope Theresa isn't left alone with him for more than a couple of minutes or some neighborhoods may need to replace all their windows.
So, there you have it. In honor of St. Patty's Day. I give you the Marvel and DC's rowdiest, Drinkinest, Fightinest teams. The only Thing I think of to make these teams better is to have them fight each other in a five issue crossover.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Guy and Ice's First Date
This weekend I was able to get a copy of the JLI volume 4 hardcover and reading it I realized something about Guy and Tora's first data. Now, to give a little background I had never had the chance to read this issue before for a number of reasons and I finally got that chance this weekend (Yay!). While reading it and adding in the things I've read before I came to the conclusion that one of the reasons Guy treated Tora so badly on their first date wasn't so much that he was a jerk (granted it was a pretty jerkass move). However, I think it had more to do with Guy not wanting to get hurt. I think the main reason Guy chose the place he did for their first date was to get her to reject him out of hand. One of the things that leads me to this hypothesis is what we have been shown about his childhood. Because of this childhood it is and what happened when Hal loaned him his Power Battery it would be a stretch to say that Guy probably has some issues trusting people. Which is why I feel he chose to take Tora where he did. He liked her and was starting to thinking she liked him as well and rather then deal with her rejecting him after they got to know each other. He chose to force her into rejecting out of hand and using his persona within the group to play it off as Guy just being Guy. In other words I think Guy was testing Tora. Not to figure out if she was "loose" as he claimed but, to figure out if she would stick around on him or just bail. I also feel that another factor in all of this in with how she was always going on about how she know he was a sweetheart underneath his gruff exterior (based on his personality after hitting his head looking for his ring(after the infamous One Punch)). Of course, through the course of their relationship she was able to bring out his softer side after he finally let her into his heart.
first date,
Guy and Ice,
Guy Gardner,
one punch,
Tora Olafsdotter
Friday, March 13, 2009
Can't Blog Clown Will Eat Me!
Well, I don't really have much to say today. So, I just thought I'd write up a few remarks on how big comic book movies have gotten over the past few years. Of course, the funniest thing about this phenomenon is how Hollywood has viewed comic books in the past and how us comic book fans knew better. We've know for awhile that if the companies used the right stories and spent enough money to do them right, that comic book movies could be completely awesome. No matter what genre the books were and I think we should all take a little pride in the fact that Hollywood really doesn't know anything. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. It really is only a bad thing when the moguls, producers and, stars think they know something about what people want to watch. Of course, if true Redacted or Stop Loss would have made more than $15(combined). I think one of the many problems throughout the entertainment business (including comics) is when they try to stick with a certain formula because they think that it was that formula that made the project work. when in reality it was the project that worked and the formula was just a way of getting from point A to point B. I also think these industries have a problem with trying to find new and better material rather than doing retreads or figuring out that "winning" formula. I feel they should take more risk and throw more ideas against the wall to see, what sticks. After all Watchmen wasn't a good comic because it was "grim and gritty" it was good because Alan Moore is an insane genius. Well, that's my two cents have a good weekend.
Alan Moore,
Comic Book Industry,
comic books,
movie industry,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Barda Vs. Diana: A somewhat onesided fight
Getting geared up for the weekend, I thought it would be fun to give y'all a little Thursday Thowdown. Today opponents are Wonder Woman and Big Barda =D
In the Right corner weighing in at 217 with a height of 7 feet.
Big Barda!

And in the left corner weighing in at 165 with a height of 5 feet 11 inches.
Wonder Woman!

The bell rings and we are ready for the fight of the century. Big Barda vs. Wonder Woman. The Leader of the Female Furies against the Amazon Princess.
Barda has an obvious size advantage in this one, all though both of them have super strength and near invulnerability. So, this should be a pretty tough match up.
Right off the bat Diana throws her magic lasso at Barda. In mid air Barda grabs the lasso and flings Wonder Woman across the ring. She then pulls on it, but Wonder Woman lets go of the rope and Barda flies backwards into the corner of the ring. Wonder Woman then flies of and begins pounding on her. After a couple of punches Barda is able to grab hold of Diana's wrist and uses it to toss Wonder Woman into the other corner. Barda then begins beating on Diana mercilessly. Finally, after quite a pummelling, Diana is able to free herself from the corner. She walks a couple of steps (towards the center of the ring) and falls down. Ladies and Gentlemen. Wonder Woman is out. Big Barda Is The Winner!! We hope you have enjoyed the fight tonight here at Roulette's Meta-Brawls, where entertainment rules and the audience always wins.
In the Right corner weighing in at 217 with a height of 7 feet.
Big Barda!
And in the left corner weighing in at 165 with a height of 5 feet 11 inches.
Wonder Woman!
The bell rings and we are ready for the fight of the century. Big Barda vs. Wonder Woman. The Leader of the Female Furies against the Amazon Princess.
Barda has an obvious size advantage in this one, all though both of them have super strength and near invulnerability. So, this should be a pretty tough match up.
Right off the bat Diana throws her magic lasso at Barda. In mid air Barda grabs the lasso and flings Wonder Woman across the ring. She then pulls on it, but Wonder Woman lets go of the rope and Barda flies backwards into the corner of the ring. Wonder Woman then flies of and begins pounding on her. After a couple of punches Barda is able to grab hold of Diana's wrist and uses it to toss Wonder Woman into the other corner. Barda then begins beating on Diana mercilessly. Finally, after quite a pummelling, Diana is able to free herself from the corner. She walks a couple of steps (towards the center of the ring) and falls down. Ladies and Gentlemen. Wonder Woman is out. Big Barda Is The Winner!! We hope you have enjoyed the fight tonight here at Roulette's Meta-Brawls, where entertainment rules and the audience always wins.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Only Six More Days
Incase you haven't heard (or care) on the 17th volume for of the JLI hardcover comes out. I can barely wait! Right now I'm trying to decide whether I should wait 'til the local comic shop or if I should just pre-order it on amazon. The pros of getting it at the shop is that when I give them my money I will have the book in my hand, however if they don't get it into stock I'm S.O.L. However, If I pre-order it I will get it in the mail soon after it is released but, I will be waiting by my mail box the whole time until it gets there. Man, I really took this series for granted as a kid. Granted, I could only get a fifth of the issues back then so sometimes things seemed off. But,now that I'm re-reading it. I'm loving it more than almost any other book I'm reading right now. The main books I'm really enjoying besides this series Empowered and Green Lantern Corps. Of course, J.M. DeMatteis gets bonus points for writing the episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold starring Guy and G'Nort (The Eyes of Despero). Man, that was such a cool episode. Sure, it had Batman's one punch. But, it also had Guy beating the crap out of Sinestro. In conclusion I can not wait for Volume 4 of Justice League International to come out next week!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Movie Pitch: Guy Gardner
I thought I'd do something different today. This morning I was in the shower and I got the idea for the most awesome, action packed movie ever! That's right Guy Gardner. Well,technically it would be a trilogy. The first to movies would focus on Guy becoming a Green Lantern and the last movie of the trilogy would be Justice League International. So, let's get to it. Shall we?
Here's the pitch. The movie opens with Guy charging his power ring and the battery exploding and sending him into a coma. It then flashes back to his childhood in Baltimore and shows his family, his relationship with his parents, his juvenile delinquency and how his brother Mace set him on a better path. It would cut between these flashbacks and scenes at the hospital of Hal talking to him and the doctors. It would then show Guy becoming a football star, going to the University of Michigan and getting his bachelor's degrees in Education and Psychology. Then, the movie cuts to Oa and shows the beginnings of the rift between the Guardians (which will lead directly to the ending of the first film). We then flash to Guy's work as a prison social worker where he meets Hal Jordan. The first film ends with Guy becoming a Special Education teacher and the Guardians splitting into two factions.
The second movie picks up with Guy becoming Hal's backup and him continuing his work as a teacher until he was hit by the bus saving a lttle girl during an earthquake. It then cuts to all the renegade Gaurdians (save for one) being slain by Bolphunga The Unrelenting.It then follows up on the events which lead to Guy's power battery exploding at the opening of the first film. After this the remaining Guardian goes to Earth, wakes Guy from his coma and makes him a Green Lantern. The rest of the movie showing him tracking down, defeating and imprisoning Bolphunga and of course, the third movie would open with him sitting at the meeting table in the headquarters of the Justice League with his feet on the table waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.
And now that I've pitched it. Here's my picks for the cast of the Guy Gardner trilogy.
Guy Gardner - Jake Busey. You can't tell me he wouldn't be perfect for this role.
Roland Gardner - Gary Busey. Come on looking at the lead you can't tell me you didn't see this choice coming with the pick of the lead. Who better to play Guy's abusive alcoholic father than Gary fucking Busey.
Peggy Gardner - Judith Light. Seeing her on Law and Order, I think she has the chops for this role.
Mace Gardner - Sean Willaim Scott. Who better than Stifler to play Guy's older brother.
Hal Jordan - David Boreanaz. He was awesome in the role in New Frontier. So why not?
Bolphunga The Unrelenting - Kurtwood Smith. I don't think there could be a better person to play Bolphunga.
The Guardians - Stanley Tucci,Ben Kingsley, Armin Shimerman,Frank Langella, Clint Howard.
The Renegade Guadians - Fred Thompson,Robert Duvall, J.K. Simmons, R. Lee Ermey. Now those are some badass guardians.
The Last of the Renegade Guardians - Patrick Stewart. He's bold and he has the best voice ever.
Guy's Doctor - Bruce Campbell. I had to fit him in somewhere 'cuz he's just that awesome.
So, there you have it my plot and cast for the ultimate Guy Gardner movie.
Here's the pitch. The movie opens with Guy charging his power ring and the battery exploding and sending him into a coma. It then flashes back to his childhood in Baltimore and shows his family, his relationship with his parents, his juvenile delinquency and how his brother Mace set him on a better path. It would cut between these flashbacks and scenes at the hospital of Hal talking to him and the doctors. It would then show Guy becoming a football star, going to the University of Michigan and getting his bachelor's degrees in Education and Psychology. Then, the movie cuts to Oa and shows the beginnings of the rift between the Guardians (which will lead directly to the ending of the first film). We then flash to Guy's work as a prison social worker where he meets Hal Jordan. The first film ends with Guy becoming a Special Education teacher and the Guardians splitting into two factions.
The second movie picks up with Guy becoming Hal's backup and him continuing his work as a teacher until he was hit by the bus saving a lttle girl during an earthquake. It then cuts to all the renegade Gaurdians (save for one) being slain by Bolphunga The Unrelenting.It then follows up on the events which lead to Guy's power battery exploding at the opening of the first film. After this the remaining Guardian goes to Earth, wakes Guy from his coma and makes him a Green Lantern. The rest of the movie showing him tracking down, defeating and imprisoning Bolphunga and of course, the third movie would open with him sitting at the meeting table in the headquarters of the Justice League with his feet on the table waiting for the rest of the team to arrive.
And now that I've pitched it. Here's my picks for the cast of the Guy Gardner trilogy.
Guy Gardner - Jake Busey. You can't tell me he wouldn't be perfect for this role.
Roland Gardner - Gary Busey. Come on looking at the lead you can't tell me you didn't see this choice coming with the pick of the lead. Who better to play Guy's abusive alcoholic father than Gary fucking Busey.
Peggy Gardner - Judith Light. Seeing her on Law and Order, I think she has the chops for this role.
Mace Gardner - Sean Willaim Scott. Who better than Stifler to play Guy's older brother.
Hal Jordan - David Boreanaz. He was awesome in the role in New Frontier. So why not?
Bolphunga The Unrelenting - Kurtwood Smith. I don't think there could be a better person to play Bolphunga.
The Guardians - Stanley Tucci,Ben Kingsley, Armin Shimerman,Frank Langella, Clint Howard.
The Renegade Guadians - Fred Thompson,Robert Duvall, J.K. Simmons, R. Lee Ermey. Now those are some badass guardians.
The Last of the Renegade Guardians - Patrick Stewart. He's bold and he has the best voice ever.
Guy's Doctor - Bruce Campbell. I had to fit him in somewhere 'cuz he's just that awesome.
So, there you have it my plot and cast for the ultimate Guy Gardner movie.
Monday, March 9, 2009
More splenders of love
I'm not talking about The Watchmen 'cuz I still haven't seen it. So, I thought I'd go back and fill in some of the couples in comics that I dig but, because of lousy planning I left off of fridays list. Without any further ado, let's get to it.
Scott and Barda Free - I have no clue why or how I managed to leave this couple off the list. When I think of what marriage should be this couple is the example I use.
Gambit and Rogue - My favorite Southern fried couple. They may fight and bicker and maybe even stray. But, in the end they always come back to one another. No matter what happens you just know, they'll always end up together.
John Stewart and Katma Tui - They are literally a power couple.
Al and Wanda Simmons - Sure it all went to hell (literally) after he dead. But, he made a pact with the devil in an atempt to stay with her after his death. Now that's love.
Colossus and Kitty Pryde - Granted it is kind of wrong that he was pursuing he when she was in Junior High and he was already an adult. But, once she grow up they became a great couple as far as I'm concerned (well, when they aren't dying on each other).
Well, after doing both this list and the one from friday. I'm fairly certain now that I have included my favorite comic book couples.
Scott and Barda Free - I have no clue why or how I managed to leave this couple off the list. When I think of what marriage should be this couple is the example I use.
Gambit and Rogue - My favorite Southern fried couple. They may fight and bicker and maybe even stray. But, in the end they always come back to one another. No matter what happens you just know, they'll always end up together.
John Stewart and Katma Tui - They are literally a power couple.
Al and Wanda Simmons - Sure it all went to hell (literally) after he dead. But, he made a pact with the devil in an atempt to stay with her after his death. Now that's love.
Colossus and Kitty Pryde - Granted it is kind of wrong that he was pursuing he when she was in Junior High and he was already an adult. But, once she grow up they became a great couple as far as I'm concerned (well, when they aren't dying on each other).
Well, after doing both this list and the one from friday. I'm fairly certain now that I have included my favorite comic book couples.
Big Barda,
green lantern corp.,
John Stewart,
Katma Tui,
Kitty Pryde,
Mr. Miracle,
Friday, March 6, 2009
Love is a many splendored thing
Well, it's that time of the week again. Time when I take a little break from typing things up and go out and try to spend some time in the real world. So, I thought I'd leave this week on a positive note and give you folks a list of my favorite couples in comic books. Not all them are current and some of them may even be out of print at the moment but, it's my list so i get to make the rules and my rule is that these couple can be from any age and any company :P
...And on that lovely note, let's begin. Shall we?
Guy Gardner and Tora Olafsdotter - At the moment this is my favorite couple between them starting over in the current issues of GLC and my re-reading the old JLI books, this couple is tops in my books. Plus I really dig the dynamics of their relationship and how Tora is one of the few people in the DCU that can tell Guy he's being an idiot and he'll actually listen and try to correct it.
Peter Parker and Felicia Harding - I'm not sure why but, of all the girls Pete's been with the Blackcat is my favorite and every time they team up I hope finally this time they'll hookup for the long haul. At the same time though, it totally makes sense to me that she prefers Spidey to Petey (can't blame her for that). Personally, I always felt that her main gripe was that she didn't believe he's really being himself when he's just being Pete and that he was always denying just how funny swinging through New york's skyline really was. Well, that and he tends to whine ALOT as Peter Parker,lol.
The Maxx and Julie Winters - Like alot of folks my age I got turned on to this series by the show on MTV and then went and got the books and every once in awhile I re-read them and in my mind (despite all their flaws like mental illness for one example) this is one of the cutest,sweetest couples in comics.
Scott Summers and Jean Grey - I think they should always end up together.
Jamie Madrox and Theresa Rourke Cassidy - Even though he (or one of his dupes) always finds a way to screw things up. I feel that in the end she will always forgive him and that one day they will live happily ever after together.
Tim Drake and Jubilation Lee - One of if not THE perfect couples in comics, even if they were only a couple during a pretty lame crossover it still counts and I thought it was awesome.
Well, there you have it the list of me favorite comic book couples. I hope you have enjoyed this post and have a great weekend. See you next week =D
...And on that lovely note, let's begin. Shall we?
Guy Gardner and Tora Olafsdotter - At the moment this is my favorite couple between them starting over in the current issues of GLC and my re-reading the old JLI books, this couple is tops in my books. Plus I really dig the dynamics of their relationship and how Tora is one of the few people in the DCU that can tell Guy he's being an idiot and he'll actually listen and try to correct it.
Peter Parker and Felicia Harding - I'm not sure why but, of all the girls Pete's been with the Blackcat is my favorite and every time they team up I hope finally this time they'll hookup for the long haul. At the same time though, it totally makes sense to me that she prefers Spidey to Petey (can't blame her for that). Personally, I always felt that her main gripe was that she didn't believe he's really being himself when he's just being Pete and that he was always denying just how funny swinging through New york's skyline really was. Well, that and he tends to whine ALOT as Peter Parker,lol.
The Maxx and Julie Winters - Like alot of folks my age I got turned on to this series by the show on MTV and then went and got the books and every once in awhile I re-read them and in my mind (despite all their flaws like mental illness for one example) this is one of the cutest,sweetest couples in comics.
Scott Summers and Jean Grey - I think they should always end up together.
Jamie Madrox and Theresa Rourke Cassidy - Even though he (or one of his dupes) always finds a way to screw things up. I feel that in the end she will always forgive him and that one day they will live happily ever after together.
Tim Drake and Jubilation Lee - One of if not THE perfect couples in comics, even if they were only a couple during a pretty lame crossover it still counts and I thought it was awesome.
Well, there you have it the list of me favorite comic book couples. I hope you have enjoyed this post and have a great weekend. See you next week =D
DC comics,
Guy Gardner,
Jean Grey,
Marvel/DC crossover,
Multiple Man,
The Maxx
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pop cultures most onesided fights
I'm in a bit of a silly mood today (well, to be honest it's actually more of a I need to be in a sillier mood) and in that spirit I thought it would be fun to list a bunch of onesided fights using characters from movies, TV and comics and maybe even one or two that could happen in real life (or already have). So, before this gets to be too long of an introduction...and away we go...
(FYI - The winners named first)
1) Guy Gardner vs. Boba Fett - That's right, the crazy GL vs. the guy who was knocked into the sarlac pit by a blind Han Solo.
2) Hulk vs. Willy Wonka - Hulk Smash! Then eat oompa loompas!
3) Alan Moore vs. Joe Quesada - one is a scary ass dark wizard that worships a snake god of his own creation, while writing crazy ass comics and the other guys is... well... Joe Quesada.
4) Dignity vs. Jimmy Fallon - If only he knew just how onesided this fight really was/is.
5) Mongul vs. Rictor - Boy, I bet he wishes he hadn't lost his mutant powers.
6) A DHL truck vs. Ch'p - Poor, poor Ch'p :*(
7) The Maxx vs. Sanity - PWN'd!!!
8) Scorpion vs. Phillip J. Fry - Get over here!!!
9) Cyborg Superman vs. Dr. House - If you stop beating me with my own leg I'll share my vicodin...
10) Firestorm vs. Emperor Palpitine - Force lightening...Not so good when you're figthing the nuclear man.
well, there you go some of the most onesided fights I would love to see and one or two that already have happened. In any event the thought of these folks fighting each other made me giggle and I figured I'd spread the funny.
(FYI - The winners named first)
1) Guy Gardner vs. Boba Fett - That's right, the crazy GL vs. the guy who was knocked into the sarlac pit by a blind Han Solo.
2) Hulk vs. Willy Wonka - Hulk Smash! Then eat oompa loompas!
3) Alan Moore vs. Joe Quesada - one is a scary ass dark wizard that worships a snake god of his own creation, while writing crazy ass comics and the other guys is... well... Joe Quesada.
4) Dignity vs. Jimmy Fallon - If only he knew just how onesided this fight really was/is.
5) Mongul vs. Rictor - Boy, I bet he wishes he hadn't lost his mutant powers.
6) A DHL truck vs. Ch'p - Poor, poor Ch'p :*(
7) The Maxx vs. Sanity - PWN'd!!!
8) Scorpion vs. Phillip J. Fry - Get over here!!!
9) Cyborg Superman vs. Dr. House - If you stop beating me with my own leg I'll share my vicodin...
10) Firestorm vs. Emperor Palpitine - Force lightening...Not so good when you're figthing the nuclear man.
well, there you go some of the most onesided fights I would love to see and one or two that already have happened. In any event the thought of these folks fighting each other made me giggle and I figured I'd spread the funny.
Alan Moore,
Boba Fett,
Dr. House,
Guy Gardner,
Jimmy Fallon,
Joe Quesada,
onesided fights,
The Maxx,
Willy Wonka
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Just an observation
For whatever reason when I woke up this morning. I started to think about sexism in comics and that made me start thinking about sexism in other mediums, like TV and Films. Now, I don't consider myself a feminist at all. I think everyone has a right to pursue happiness and that results may vary in achieving it and I think everyone should be judge by their skills and achievements. But, I was thinking about this and it struck me that as bad as comics can be when it comes to portraying in a way that most people would consider sexist. They seem to do a lot better at treating women as competitant and skilled people than TV or Movies do. Now, I'm not holding myself up as any type of authority on the matter. This is just an observation I have made. As far as I can tell the types of women that are considered heroic (even the ones that are stereotyped) still seem to be portrated as being stronger and more competent in comics.
comic books,
strong women,
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Morgan Vs. Morgaine
So, the other day I was trying to come up with the weirdest or wackiest Marvel/DC crossover that should be and this is what I came up with... Morgan Le Fay (Marvel) and Morgaine Le Fey (DC) team up against Etrigan, Wonder Woman, Iron Man and Spider Woman. Tell me that doesn't sound awesome already. Here's the story both Morgan and Morgaine (boy, this could get confusing fast) are conjuring up something in their universes when at the same time they accidental access a portal to each other's universe. Just as this happens Iron Man and Spider Woman (how have been trying to track down Morgan) stumble in on the two of them crossing into the DCU and decide to follow. Back in the DCU Jason Blood senses something off in the universe and decides to contact the Justice League for help, they think he's just being weird but better safe than sorry they decide to send Diana out to help him. After all she is one of the heavy hitters on the team and has ties to the mystic universe, so why not. Meanwhile, Morgan and Morgaine have trapped Spider Woman in stone as Iron Man narrowly escaped. He flies out of their lair and attempts to find someone to help him and while he's doing all of this Jason Blood is explaining what he felt and how the universe could be affected to Diana and she decides to help him find out what's behind all of this and they decide they'd better check out the DCU's most powerful and mystical villains. While flying around carrying Jason, Diana spies Iron Man flying through the air and decides they'd better find out who this guy is. They meet up chat about whats going on, Tony hits on Diana and she punches him through a wall and then it's on to battle Morgan Le Fay and Morgaine Le Fey. Jason turns into Etrigan, they battle and everything ends up hunky dory as Morgaine and Morgan let Jessica Drew out of her stone imprisonment and in the end Tony and Jessica return to the Marvel U with Morgaine Le Fey. She winks at the audience and sets up the possibility for another story.
And there you have it, Jay's wacky Morgan Vs. Morgaine DC/Marvel crossover.
And there you have it, Jay's wacky Morgan Vs. Morgaine DC/Marvel crossover.
Monday, March 2, 2009
A strange thought about Green Lantern history
So, this weekend I had a strange thought. That thought was this considering the history, if Guy Gardner was as self aware as oh let's say Animal Man. Wouldn't Guy dislike John Stewart? After all when Denny O'Neil decided to create John Stewart ('cuz DC needed a black Green Lantern to be relavant,I guess) he had to get Guy out of the way and he accomplished this by having a bus fall on Guy. After this Guy Gardenr was out of comission for about a decade. If I was him I know I'd be irked. Besides, that one could also make the argument that because John was picked to be in the JLU cartoon it took until a new series for Guy Gardner to make his debut in another medium rather than just comics. So,taking all this into account I don't think Guy would like John if he was aware of all of this. But, that's just my two cents.
comic books,
DC comics,
Denny O'neil,
green lantern corp.,
Guy Gardner,
John Stewart,
Neil Adams,
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