Scott Free AKA Mr. Miracle
He has the ability to escape from in trap or situation that places him in peril. Besides this ability he is also armed with a pair of flying discs, a mother box (heh,heh)and jets in his belt and on the bottom of his boots.
Dr. Hank McCoy AKA Beast
Beast is a mutant born with a super genius intellect, superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, agility, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance.
Dr. Gregory House AKA That prick House
House, has the ability diagnose strange and rare illnesses and cure them within a single episode, he also has heightened sarcasm, and the ability to point out the flaws in the personalities and thoughts of others. His main weapons are sarcasm and his cane.
So now we get to the fight!
At a medical confrence Dr. Hank McCoy is speaking about the mutant gene and its effect on human populations and the societial problems that have arisen because of it. In the middle of his speach Dr. House (from the audience) calls out bullshit. He then goes on a huge spiel about how the mutant gene is complete crap and that the AMA should revoke Dr. McCoy's credentials for even suggesting such nonsense. This infuriates Beast and he leaps at House from the stage when he lands in front of Dr. House, Greg House calls his a moron and hits him with his cane. This makes Beast backhand him into another room and leap towards that room. Well, in that other room is Mr. Miracle giving the keynote speech at a convenetion of illusionists and escape artists. He pauses mid sentance as Dr. House flies through the wall folled by Dr. McCoy Swing into the room. McCoy lands on House, and House then informs the good doctor about the significance of the areas of matted fur on Beast, this enrages him and Beast rips off Gregory House's bum leg and begins beating him with it. Mr. Miracle Tries to intervine and the Beast begins to hit him with doctor House's bum leg. House, tosses his cane at Scott and downs a bottle of vicadin. Mr. Miracle grabs the cane and stabs Hank in the eye with it he then takes out Beast's knees and grabs out a pair of Apokolipsian restaints and binds Beasts arms with then. After that he goes to return Dr. House cane. House then makes fun of the color scheme of Scott Free's costume and Mr. Miracle whacks House upside the head with his own cane kn ocking him out. I think this shows that Mr. Miracle would be the winner of this fight. House and Beast would be way to distracted by the other and would not be able to defeat Scott Free (at least in my opinion)
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