Monday, February 23, 2009

Love in the time of power rings

Lately,I've been re-reading the GLC trades and it got me thinking about the recent issues and the budding relationship between Kyle and Soranik and also the relationship between Guy and Ice. One of the things I find interesting about these two pairings is that both Kyle and Guy seem to be the more emotional of each couple. With Kyle and Soranik she has said that she has walled herself off from others, while Kyle has a hard time not being in a relationship. Whereas, with Guy and Ice, Guy is quite prone to emotional outbursts, while Ice is the much more sensible one. Like in Issue 20 when he floats down to her in Times Square and while she is trying to explain how she needs some time he gets riled up to the point that he is nearly screaming at her about how much he loves her and how hard her death was on him. I think that's the reason they are such good friends is also because of this, I think it also explains why they aren't as close with Hal or John as they are with each other. Probably also the reason Hal also seems annoyed at Guy when they are hanging out even before Guy does something to get Hal's goat.

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