Monday, February 2, 2009

Jay's X-Men Team

On Friday I listed what I think would be the best Justice League team ever. So, to start off the week I thought it would be a hoot to list off the best X-Men team. Plus I didn't want it to seem like I only read DC since I have been doing a lot of posts on the Distinguished Competition. So, without further adieu. Here's my X-Men team:

Multiple Man (Jamie Madrox) ~ Besides the fact that he can be his own task force. The last couple of years of X-Factor has shown him grow as a leader and I think he would rock leading the X-Men.
Nightcrawler ~ You really can't have a proper X-Men team without him plus with his teleportation powers he can always get you out of a plot quickly.
Wolverine~ Again it's not really an X-Men team without him.
Colossus ~ Since, you need a heavy hitter and there is no heavier hitter than the mighty Colossus he's on the team.
Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) ~ I always thought she was the New Mutant most deserving of a spot on the team. So, I'm drafting her.
Jubilee ~ Pure nepotism. I love Jubes and it's my team so there :P
Rogue ~ Just because it would be so cool I would give her back Ms. Marvel's powers so she can fly and punch tanks.
Gambit ~ Since, Rogue's on the team he kind of has to be there. Plus a guy that makes things explode is always cool.
Iceman ~ Just for the old school factor and the fact that I'm a big fan of Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.
Beast ~ 'Cuz brainy scientist guy is a must on any team.
Siryn ~ Since I need another flyer and her dad hasn't been brought back to life,yet. She's on the team. Also, I'm a big fan of all the drama that comes from her and Jamie's past and present,lol.

Well, there you go that's my X-tremely Awesome X-team (sorry, I just couldn't help using a pun that made the books what they are today,lol).

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