Monday, February 9, 2009

Charles Xavier: wanted for Child endangerment

As we all are prone to do I sometimes wonder about the changes in our laws and society that would take place if our favorite superheroes were real. Today, I find myself thinking about Prof. Xavier and his school of higher learning. In particular, would the Xavier's School for Higher Learning be able to afford the insurance premiums that would come from having the school destroyed on a regular basis. Also, would Charles Xavier face any child endangerment charges after the Juggernaut or Saber tooth or any of the other the x-Men's rogues attacked the school for the umpteenth time or better yet would the school be able to retain accreditation because of all these problems. Another problem would be permission slips would it be a wise idea to send a slip to the children's parents that went something like this:

Dear Parent(s),
Next week we will be taking a field trip to the Shi'ar Empire in order to take this trip we will be living the solar system. If you wish for your child to participate in this excursion please sign below.

Charles Xavier
Head Master

How many parents do you think would sign a form like this? How many would object?
Well, this are the types of things I wonder about when I'm in class and I should be paying attention to the course work.

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