Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back at the Hall of Justice

So, a few days ago I did a post on my love of the show Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. In that post I hinted a little bit about how I don't feel Superfriends holds up as well as Spidey and his amazing Friends does. After writing that post I decided that in all fairness I should probably go back and watch some episodes of Superfriends to make sure I wasn't just talking out of my ass (not that that has ever stopped me, but still). So, as of late I've been watching episodes of Superfriends courtesy of youtube and I think I now know the reason the show hasn't aged as well as others like G.I. Joe or SahAF. The reason for this besides the fact that its target audience seemed to be a bit younger than the other shows I've mentioned. Its that the characters on Superfriends (besides Wonder Woman, simple because she was cast as the girl) all have pretty interchangeable personalities. Now this could be partially due to the fact that when the Justice League started up in the sixties the characters personalities weren't really distinct in any real way and that that was probably a hold over that became part of the show. This changed a little bit in the later seasons when they add folks like Firestorm. But, even then the main characters were pretty interchangeable except for their power sets. Without looking at the screen it's kind of hard to tell the difference between GL or, Superman or, the Flash, etc. just from their dialogue. I think had the creators of the show tried a bit harder to differentiate between characters the show would have stormed the whithers of time better than it has. Maybe, this should be a lesson for those whom wish to do cartoons today and in the future. Just a thought.

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