Right off there's the fact that these two met and feel in love ON APOKOLIPS. If there was ever a place least conducive to folks falling in love this would be the place. Scott first caught Barda's through his fight to escape from the control of Darksied and Granny Goodness and showing her that you didn't have to except things how they were, that you can fight and maybe even triumph over a repressive world.
After they escapes from Apoklips, Barda then searched and found Scott. Becoming one of the stars of his act. Then after they married they tried to settle into a nice suburban life style but adventure kept calling out to Mr.Miracle and Big Barda.
One of the things I've always dug about this couple is that Barda could go blow for blow, punch for punch with Superman and neither she or Scott care about this. He doesn't care that she's the stronger one of the pair (at least physically) and she doesn't care that he doesn't have the strength to pick up a tank, like she does. In all the books I've read about these to this is a complete non-issue. Plus, you gotta dig a tough girl that like her bunny slippers. These two care more about each other than life itself and it shows. Sure, Scott teases her about her awful cooking and she'd prefer Scott to just settle down into a job as an insurance agent or some other job that doesn't lend itself quite as much to globe trotting adventures. But, they except each other completely. Even their bickering seems to be done out of love for each other. So, hopefully this Valentine's Day those of you out there who have somebody have found someone like these two to sure in your triumphs and missteps and hopefully one of these days those of us out there still looking for that person will find our one Barda or Scott as the case may be.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone and I hope you enjoy your weekend =D
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