Wednesday, February 18, 2009

In the brightest day...

Ya know, Thinking about all the cool weapons in comics,I gotta say I think the coolest one to have would be a GL power ring. Sure, adamantium claws would be pretty groovy for somethings as would Cap's vibranium shield. Batman has some neat gadgets to but, all in all I gotta say the coolest of them all is the ring bestowed on those with the ability to overcome great fear by the Guardians of the Galaxy. Of course, I could see myself becoming pretty lazy if I did have one of those rings. I mean I would use it for everything. cleaning the house, grabbing the TV remote, turning off my alarm, everything. Not only that but, I would sell my car and fly everywhere, even the corner store. heck if my ceiling had a higher clearance I would fly to the bathroom using it. Heck I'd even use it as my furniture and sell off all of mine.

power ring and battery

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