Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You make me feel like spring had sprung

I couldn't really think of anything to post today.So, I thought I'd do another one of my patented lists. Just to be different I thought for this list I'd be different and instead of doing the usual type of lists. I'd make this one about the gals in comics that I have (or had) a crush on through out the years. So, without to much more of an introduction here are the top 5 (fictional) comic girls I crush on :)

Jubilee - If you've been here before, you should already know about my mad Jubilee love. If your new to Monkey Knife Fight. One of the things you should know is I love Jubilation Lee. I have since, the first time a saw her in a comic (The X-Men's Atlantis Attacks Annual). I could go on and on about how much I adore this character. How many gals do you know could appoint themselves Wolverine's sidekick and get him to go along with the program. Really, (to me atleast)it felt more like he was her sidekick most of the time.

Wolfsbane - She's so vulernable and adorable, I just want to wrap my arms around her. She was my favorite New Mutant back in the day, but what really got my crushing hard on her was the way PAD wrote her in the current X-Factor books.

Lady Blackhawk - Ah, Zinda, Zinda, Zinda. What's not to love about Ms. Zinda Blake? She's tough, she likes to drink, she's sweet and sassy and as a bonus she wears a skirt. I am a big fan of girls that wear skirts and dresses, real girls or fictional. If they wear a lot of skirts I'm gonna fall in love with them :)

Kitty Pryde - I think it's alomost a prerequist that if your into comics at one point or another you're gonna have a crush on Kitty.

Catwoman - How could any red-blood guy not crush on Seline Kyle? Honestly,she is like every generation of Batman fan's crush. Whether it's the purple dress, or Julie Newmar, or Lee Mariweather,Michelle Pfeiffer, the Animated series or Darwyn Cook's artwork. Everyone has a Catwoman they adore :)

So, there you have it. The five comic book gals that really get my motor running. This is either a really neat or really, really sad. I'll let you make the call :)

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