Friday, May 22, 2009

100 posts where does the time go?

I have now done 100 posts here on Monkey Knife Fight and though I'm still enjoying it and I plan to keep it running. I am going to be cutting back on my postings. I just have to much stuff going on in life right now and I'm getting ready for my last term of school. So, from now on I'm only going to be posting when the mood strikes me and I think up something real clever. On the plus side this means no more place holders when I can't think of anything to put up on here. Ironicly, I didn't intend for this to be my 100th post. It just worked out that way. I've been thinking about doing this for a week or so now and just figured it would be fitting (with the subject matter) to write this up as my last post of the week. Much to my suprise when I logged in today I noticed I was at 99 posts. I hope everyone has enjoyed my rantings and lists and in keeping with that I hope you'll check out the new stuff when it comes out. Although, I'm cuttting down on the quantity of posts, I'm still hope I can do atleast a couple of them every week. That way you readers out there aren't without new Monkey Knife Fight fun for very long. It's been fun blogging on here and I hope to see another 100 posts and hopefully, in making this change they will be of much better quality.

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