Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm a loser

I'm just gonna share with you fine readers today, just how backed up on my comic book reading I have been lately. It's so bad I still have like four or five comics from Free Comic Book Day, I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. In fact most of my pull list for this month is still sitting around gathering dusst. The i did get to read the last issue of Geoff Johns run on JSA. That was an awesome read. I picked up the new issues of X-Factor, GLC and the Oracle mini. I don't know how long it will be until I read the others, but I am going to read GLC before the weekend is over. It's crazy right now life is just getting in the way of my comic reading and because of that it has also been making it hard to come up with stuff for Monkey Knife Fight. i haven't even even been reading many other blogs. The only ones I've really been reading lately are Sallyp's and Siskoid's because their blog's are my herion. So, hopefully life will get back to normal soon and Monkey Knife Fight will be back to the goodiness it's known for. Until, then I guess I can always make fun of Aquaman, since that is always easy to do :)

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