Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When I'm done he won't talk to fishes no more

I guess I'm pretty weird and one of the reasons I think this way is because of a thought I had this morning. Do you think Namor: The Submariner ever gets bummed out that general population recognises Aquaman a lot more than the recognise him? I mean think about Namor is the more bad ass of the two Kings of Atlantis, yet outside of the comic book fans nobody really recognises him. Granted, a lot of this has to do with Aqauman being in more media than Namor. What with the Aquaman cartoon, Superfriends and his shots on the JLU, Superman: The Animated Series and, Smallville. Meanwhile, Namor had what a cartoon series in the '60s and then what? I know if I was Namor I'd be sitting on my Atlantian Throne mighty pissed off that this cat who wears orange and green and talks to fish, is getting way more attention than me, even though he's at best half as cool. If I was Namor, I'd be throwing up one loud WTF!?!? At all of Aquaman's media attention.

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