Friday, May 22, 2009
100 posts where does the time go?
I have now done 100 posts here on Monkey Knife Fight and though I'm still enjoying it and I plan to keep it running. I am going to be cutting back on my postings. I just have to much stuff going on in life right now and I'm getting ready for my last term of school. So, from now on I'm only going to be posting when the mood strikes me and I think up something real clever. On the plus side this means no more place holders when I can't think of anything to put up on here. Ironicly, I didn't intend for this to be my 100th post. It just worked out that way. I've been thinking about doing this for a week or so now and just figured it would be fitting (with the subject matter) to write this up as my last post of the week. Much to my suprise when I logged in today I noticed I was at 99 posts. I hope everyone has enjoyed my rantings and lists and in keeping with that I hope you'll check out the new stuff when it comes out. Although, I'm cuttting down on the quantity of posts, I'm still hope I can do atleast a couple of them every week. That way you readers out there aren't without new Monkey Knife Fight fun for very long. It's been fun blogging on here and I hope to see another 100 posts and hopefully, in making this change they will be of much better quality.
100 posts,
Monkey Knife Fight,
quality control
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Harley Sings...
Sorry, yet again...I have no post for today...So, here's a video with Harley Quinn singing about the relationship between her and The Joker :)
Enjoy :)
Enjoy :)
Batman: TAS,
Harley Quinn,
The Joker
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Another Question
Who do you think would win in a fight Uatu, The watcher or Ganthet?
My money's on Ganthet, he's pretty powerful for a little blue guy.
Any thoughts?
My money's on Ganthet, he's pretty powerful for a little blue guy.
Any thoughts?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
When I'm done he won't talk to fishes no more
I guess I'm pretty weird and one of the reasons I think this way is because of a thought I had this morning. Do you think Namor: The Submariner ever gets bummed out that general population recognises Aquaman a lot more than the recognise him? I mean think about Namor is the more bad ass of the two Kings of Atlantis, yet outside of the comic book fans nobody really recognises him. Granted, a lot of this has to do with Aqauman being in more media than Namor. What with the Aquaman cartoon, Superfriends and his shots on the JLU, Superman: The Animated Series and, Smallville. Meanwhile, Namor had what a cartoon series in the '60s and then what? I know if I was Namor I'd be sitting on my Atlantian Throne mighty pissed off that this cat who wears orange and green and talks to fish, is getting way more attention than me, even though he's at best half as cool. If I was Namor, I'd be throwing up one loud WTF!?!? At all of Aquaman's media attention.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Batman may have too much time on his hands,lol.
So, today I thought I'd post Batman's responses to this here survey. I hope you find it entertaining :)
What type of day are you having?
My parents died when I was 8. What kind of day do you think I'm having?
Was there anyone who "made your day"?
Selina,handling the pnks on the east side.
Are you liking how you look today?
I always look good
Do you have anyone crushing on you?
Where to begin
Have you ever eaten a bug?
Are you vegeterian?
When was the last time you kissed someone?
Selina kissed me last night on a rooftop
Have you ever had something stuck between your teeth, but no one decided to tell you?
No.. i check that shit
Are you a mother or a father?
Both and ocasionally neither
When was your last paycheck?
I don't know Alfred takes care of that stuff
How many pets do you have?
1 dog, 2300 bats
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
Special ultra expensive stuff
Are you closer to being rich or poor?
I'm on of the richest people in the world
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No, not since I was 8
What was the last gift someone gave you?
The Joker gave me an exploding action figure for christmas
Do you appreciate that person?
No, I loathe him
Are you in love?
No, it would interfer with me mission
Have you ever been in love?
Do you even believe in love?
I used to, before my parents died.
How many things are you really thinking about right now?
Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today?
Yes, criminals
Do you like picnics?
Not since, my parents died when I was 8.
Have you finished school yet?
a few of them
What is/was your worst subject?
None, I'm Batman
Are you American?
Who are you voting for?
I don't vote since getting burned by Luthor. Tax exemptions for customized planes my ass.
Do you like Bush?
I don't like anything a criminal can hide behind
What kind of mood are you in?
what do you mean by that
Are you waiting for anything?
The night
Are you going to bed after this?
Nope, I've had my 2.3 hours of sleep for the day
Where were you september 11. 2001?
Busting heads
What book are you currently reading?
Spirits & Incantations, The latest on criminalogy and something lame Tim got me.
What song did you last listen to?
Something or other by Prince, or maybe it was Danny Elfman.
What movie is in your DVD player?
um...I'd have to check with Alfred
How many windows are open in your computer?
Are you a very stressed out person?
How old is your mom?
She's dead. Thanks for pouring salt in the wound
Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper?
yes, when she and my father were murdered
Do you have a beach house?
Where do you live?
Gotham City
Do you ever watch Bold and the beautiful?
i dont even watch tv.
Do you sometimes watch the news?
I have to as part of the mission
Have you ever seen a UFO?
Do you believe in aliens?
yes, I've even fought a few of them
Have you ever been to world trade center?
going next week.
What is your favorite magazine?
Capes and Cowls Quarterly
How many times have you gone to a foreign country?
When will you next go on a plane?
who knows, tonight
When did you last go on a plane?
The night before last
Do you watch football sundays?
wtf? no.
What are your thoughts on Disney Channel?
dont know dont care.
Do you like Techno?
Do you like Dr.Phil?
hes one of those people youd like to punch in the face immediately after meeting him im sure.
Do you like Oprah?
She tried to say all of the Joker's problems were caused by his parents and that he just needed to be hugged
Do you ever want to get married?
No. It would ruin the mission
What is your favorite country?
They're all the same
Do you like animals?
Do you have an ipod?
like 10
Do you watch TV alot?
Are you afraid of the dark?
I'm the dark.
What type of day are you having?
My parents died when I was 8. What kind of day do you think I'm having?
Was there anyone who "made your day"?
Selina,handling the pnks on the east side.
Are you liking how you look today?
I always look good
Do you have anyone crushing on you?
Where to begin
Have you ever eaten a bug?
Are you vegeterian?
When was the last time you kissed someone?
Selina kissed me last night on a rooftop
Have you ever had something stuck between your teeth, but no one decided to tell you?
No.. i check that shit
Are you a mother or a father?
Both and ocasionally neither
When was your last paycheck?
I don't know Alfred takes care of that stuff
How many pets do you have?
1 dog, 2300 bats
What kind of toothpaste do you use?
Special ultra expensive stuff
Are you closer to being rich or poor?
I'm on of the richest people in the world
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No, not since I was 8
What was the last gift someone gave you?
The Joker gave me an exploding action figure for christmas
Do you appreciate that person?
No, I loathe him
Are you in love?
No, it would interfer with me mission
Have you ever been in love?
Do you even believe in love?
I used to, before my parents died.
How many things are you really thinking about right now?
Did you talk to anyone you didn't like today?
Yes, criminals
Do you like picnics?
Not since, my parents died when I was 8.
Have you finished school yet?
a few of them
What is/was your worst subject?
None, I'm Batman
Are you American?
Who are you voting for?
I don't vote since getting burned by Luthor. Tax exemptions for customized planes my ass.
Do you like Bush?
I don't like anything a criminal can hide behind
What kind of mood are you in?
what do you mean by that
Are you waiting for anything?
The night
Are you going to bed after this?
Nope, I've had my 2.3 hours of sleep for the day
Where were you september 11. 2001?
Busting heads
What book are you currently reading?
Spirits & Incantations, The latest on criminalogy and something lame Tim got me.
What song did you last listen to?
Something or other by Prince, or maybe it was Danny Elfman.
What movie is in your DVD player?
um...I'd have to check with Alfred
How many windows are open in your computer?
Are you a very stressed out person?
How old is your mom?
She's dead. Thanks for pouring salt in the wound
Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper?
yes, when she and my father were murdered
Do you have a beach house?
Where do you live?
Gotham City
Do you ever watch Bold and the beautiful?
i dont even watch tv.
Do you sometimes watch the news?
I have to as part of the mission
Have you ever seen a UFO?
Do you believe in aliens?
yes, I've even fought a few of them
Have you ever been to world trade center?
going next week.
What is your favorite magazine?
Capes and Cowls Quarterly
How many times have you gone to a foreign country?
When will you next go on a plane?
who knows, tonight
When did you last go on a plane?
The night before last
Do you watch football sundays?
wtf? no.
What are your thoughts on Disney Channel?
dont know dont care.
Do you like Techno?
Do you like Dr.Phil?
hes one of those people youd like to punch in the face immediately after meeting him im sure.
Do you like Oprah?
She tried to say all of the Joker's problems were caused by his parents and that he just needed to be hugged
Do you ever want to get married?
No. It would ruin the mission
What is your favorite country?
They're all the same
Do you like animals?
Do you have an ipod?
like 10
Do you watch TV alot?
Are you afraid of the dark?
I'm the dark.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Another no post Friday : (
Since, I don't have a post for today. I thought I'd post this video of midget wrestling. Because, I got trashed watching some of it at a bar last night and that's the reason for me having no post :(
drunken goodness,
midget wrestling
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm a loser
I'm just gonna share with you fine readers today, just how backed up on my comic book reading I have been lately. It's so bad I still have like four or five comics from Free Comic Book Day, I haven't gotten a chance to read yet. In fact most of my pull list for this month is still sitting around gathering dusst. The i did get to read the last issue of Geoff Johns run on JSA. That was an awesome read. I picked up the new issues of X-Factor, GLC and the Oracle mini. I don't know how long it will be until I read the others, but I am going to read GLC before the weekend is over. It's crazy right now life is just getting in the way of my comic reading and because of that it has also been making it hard to come up with stuff for Monkey Knife Fight. i haven't even even been reading many other blogs. The only ones I've really been reading lately are Sallyp's and Siskoid's because their blog's are my herion. So, hopefully life will get back to normal soon and Monkey Knife Fight will be back to the goodiness it's known for. Until, then I guess I can always make fun of Aquaman, since that is always easy to do :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Star Trek: The OC Generation
So, today I thought I'd sure with my readers my thoughts on the newest Star Trek movie. Now this isn't going to be a full on review, but there will be some spoilers in here. So, if you haven't seen the movie yet. Go and check out the posts I've done making fun of Aquaman. There's quite a few of them, since making fun of Aquaman is pretty much a category here at Monkey Knife Fight. For those of you who have seen the new Star Trek flick or those of you that don't care about spoilers. Let's getting down to business.
One of the major things that bugged me about the film was how Kirk was written. Personally, I thought they made him a bit too angsty (of in my world the only definition of angst James kirk has is as a reason to slap Spock around). I thought the guy who played Kirk was pretty good, though he could have used a bit more swagger. I just think the writers tried a bit too hard to flesh out the character of James T. Kirk. I like the Jim Kirk whose goals in life are to make Wilt Chamberlain look like a dateless wonder and beating up Kilingons (for fun). Honestly, I think all the actors did a bang up job in this movie. My to favorites were the guy who played Dr. McCoy and Simon Pegg. The cat playing Bones had a tough job in order to win me over as I think DeForest Kelley was the coolest of the O.G. cast. Even Shatner looked kind of lame when the episodes focused on McCoy. In short McCoy's been my favorite character since I started watching Trek. Now, I wouldn't call myself a Trekkie or trekker or whatever the new one is, in fact this is the first thing Trek, I've watched in years. But, the guy they got to play Leonard McCoy, I thought was pitch perfect (even if they screwed up the meaning behind his nickname). I think the guy who played him is Karl Urban, I hadn't heard of him before the flick. Though looking him up on imdb it looks like he was in Lord of the Rings (which may be why I hadn't heard of him,lol). As for my favorite actor in the flick, Simon Pegg. I thought he made an awesome Scotty, in fact after this I wouldn't mind if in the next digital remixed episodes they replaced Jimmy Doohan with him (I'm joking of course,but he really did an awesome job). Watching the audience roar with laughter every time he opened his mouth was really something. He did fantastic as a drunk Scotsman who's also a physics genius. Really the only cast member I did think did to well of a job, was Eric Bana as the villain (Nero) and really the only problem I saw in his performance was that he wasn't nearly as ham-fisted as you need to be to be a good Star Trek villain. My only other major critique of the flick was it's length. I'm not very into movies being more than 90 minutes long. the main reason for this rule is that after 90 minutes I start getting impatient for the ending as I don't have a very long attention span (Hey,look, a squirrel) I also liked the whole plot as an explanation for continuity errors thing they did in the movie. I thought it was a clever way of getting around continuity and starting the franchise off from scratch. I don't know if it's a good enough flick to buy or keep. But, I wouldn't mind seeing it again if the opportunity came up. All in all a good way to kill a couple of hours. Before the bars open up.
One of the major things that bugged me about the film was how Kirk was written. Personally, I thought they made him a bit too angsty (of in my world the only definition of angst James kirk has is as a reason to slap Spock around). I thought the guy who played Kirk was pretty good, though he could have used a bit more swagger. I just think the writers tried a bit too hard to flesh out the character of James T. Kirk. I like the Jim Kirk whose goals in life are to make Wilt Chamberlain look like a dateless wonder and beating up Kilingons (for fun). Honestly, I think all the actors did a bang up job in this movie. My to favorites were the guy who played Dr. McCoy and Simon Pegg. The cat playing Bones had a tough job in order to win me over as I think DeForest Kelley was the coolest of the O.G. cast. Even Shatner looked kind of lame when the episodes focused on McCoy. In short McCoy's been my favorite character since I started watching Trek. Now, I wouldn't call myself a Trekkie or trekker or whatever the new one is, in fact this is the first thing Trek, I've watched in years. But, the guy they got to play Leonard McCoy, I thought was pitch perfect (even if they screwed up the meaning behind his nickname). I think the guy who played him is Karl Urban, I hadn't heard of him before the flick. Though looking him up on imdb it looks like he was in Lord of the Rings (which may be why I hadn't heard of him,lol). As for my favorite actor in the flick, Simon Pegg. I thought he made an awesome Scotty, in fact after this I wouldn't mind if in the next digital remixed episodes they replaced Jimmy Doohan with him (I'm joking of course,but he really did an awesome job). Watching the audience roar with laughter every time he opened his mouth was really something. He did fantastic as a drunk Scotsman who's also a physics genius. Really the only cast member I did think did to well of a job, was Eric Bana as the villain (Nero) and really the only problem I saw in his performance was that he wasn't nearly as ham-fisted as you need to be to be a good Star Trek villain. My only other major critique of the flick was it's length. I'm not very into movies being more than 90 minutes long. the main reason for this rule is that after 90 minutes I start getting impatient for the ending as I don't have a very long attention span (Hey,look, a squirrel) I also liked the whole plot as an explanation for continuity errors thing they did in the movie. I thought it was a clever way of getting around continuity and starting the franchise off from scratch. I don't know if it's a good enough flick to buy or keep. But, I wouldn't mind seeing it again if the opportunity came up. All in all a good way to kill a couple of hours. Before the bars open up.
Captain Kirk,
fun times,
J.J. Abbrams,
new releases,
not comics,
Star Trek
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Life still doesn't like my blog :(
I'm still getting my ass kicked by real life and haven't been able to read comics or think about how could beat how in a fight to destroy the Amalgam Universe. So, instead I thought I'd dust off an old chestnut and share with you some of the funner search terms people have used to find me here at good ol' Monkey Knife Fight.
Deadpool faster than a speeding bullet... Yes, Yes he is :)
Green Lantern Bowling Shirt... I totally want one. So, whoever used that term if you find a GL bowling shirt drop me a line :)
Adam West... I will take the high road and not make a joke at this amazing actor's expense.
harley quinn toples... I can't decide if this is meant to be Harley Quinn topless, or topples. Either why whatever they were looking for sounds pretty
snowball monkey fight... This may be more entertaining to watch than a monkey knife fight. As long as one of them gets a snowball right in the ear.
How to Fight Fading Theory... That's easy...New Theory
great movie pitches...I agree my Guy Gardner movie pitch was great, great
Awesome movie pitches... Again, I concur :)
jake busey guy gardner... It's like he was genetically engineered to play the part.
Kirk knife fight video... The Shat vs. a monkey... Genius!!! Pure Genius!!!
Well, there you go some of the more entertaining (at least to me,lol) search terms used to find your humble hosts blog. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow
Deadpool faster than a speeding bullet... Yes, Yes he is :)
Green Lantern Bowling Shirt... I totally want one. So, whoever used that term if you find a GL bowling shirt drop me a line :)
Adam West... I will take the high road and not make a joke at this amazing actor's expense.
harley quinn toples... I can't decide if this is meant to be Harley Quinn topless, or topples. Either why whatever they were looking for sounds pretty
snowball monkey fight... This may be more entertaining to watch than a monkey knife fight. As long as one of them gets a snowball right in the ear.
How to Fight Fading Theory... That's easy...New Theory
great movie pitches...I agree my Guy Gardner movie pitch was great, great
Awesome movie pitches... Again, I concur :)
jake busey guy gardner... It's like he was genetically engineered to play the part.
Kirk knife fight video... The Shat vs. a monkey... Genius!!! Pure Genius!!!
Well, there you go some of the more entertaining (at least to me,lol) search terms used to find your humble hosts blog. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow
Adam West,
Captain Kirk,
Guy Gardner,
Jake Busey,
search engine fun,
William Shatner
Monday, May 11, 2009
Nothings shaking but the leaves in the trees
So, not much comic booky things going on, right now and I can't really think of a list to do, I don't even feel like making fun of Aquaman today. You know it's bad when I don't feel like make fun of Aquaman. Anyways, on Saturday, I finally met up with Karl Christian Krumpholz. For those of you not in the know, he was the guy who did the Famous Drunks protraits for Modern Drunkard magizine. I met him at comic fest and I wanted to get a print of the Hank Williams protrait he did, but he didn't have it with him there and I couldn't attend the last day of comic fest. So, we've been send messages back and forth and we finally worked it out and I was able to meet him at 3 Kings and buy the print and it is awesome, Hank Williams was the man.

p.s. I also saw the new Star Trek movie that day. I'll try and write up some of my thoughts on it later this week :)
p.s. I also saw the new Star Trek movie that day. I'll try and write up some of my thoughts on it later this week :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Life does not like my blog right now : (
In case you can't tell from my posts the last couple of days have been pretty hectic. I'm not going to go into it. Since, this blog is dedicated to my ramblings about comic books and the industry that supports it. So, let's just leave it at that and I promise to pay much more attention to you fine people that read this blog next week :)
Until then, I'm gonna leave you with this video of Peter Griffen as Aqauman's assistant. See you all back here on Monday :)
Until then, I'm gonna leave you with this video of Peter Griffen as Aqauman's assistant. See you all back here on Monday :)
Family Guy,
Hectic week,
Peter Griffen
Thursday, May 7, 2009
No post Thursday : (
So, last night I went to Comedy Works here in Denver and drunk to much. Because of that I'm a bit to hungover to post today :)
Comedy Works,
Guy Gardner,
No post Thursday
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
You make me feel like spring had sprung
I couldn't really think of anything to post today.So, I thought I'd do another one of my patented lists. Just to be different I thought for this list I'd be different and instead of doing the usual type of lists. I'd make this one about the gals in comics that I have (or had) a crush on through out the years. So, without to much more of an introduction here are the top 5 (fictional) comic girls I crush on :)
Jubilee - If you've been here before, you should already know about my mad Jubilee love. If your new to Monkey Knife Fight. One of the things you should know is I love Jubilation Lee. I have since, the first time a saw her in a comic (The X-Men's Atlantis Attacks Annual). I could go on and on about how much I adore this character. How many gals do you know could appoint themselves Wolverine's sidekick and get him to go along with the program. Really, (to me atleast)it felt more like he was her sidekick most of the time.
Wolfsbane - She's so vulernable and adorable, I just want to wrap my arms around her. She was my favorite New Mutant back in the day, but what really got my crushing hard on her was the way PAD wrote her in the current X-Factor books.
Lady Blackhawk - Ah, Zinda, Zinda, Zinda. What's not to love about Ms. Zinda Blake? She's tough, she likes to drink, she's sweet and sassy and as a bonus she wears a skirt. I am a big fan of girls that wear skirts and dresses, real girls or fictional. If they wear a lot of skirts I'm gonna fall in love with them :)
Kitty Pryde - I think it's alomost a prerequist that if your into comics at one point or another you're gonna have a crush on Kitty.
Catwoman - How could any red-blood guy not crush on Seline Kyle? Honestly,she is like every generation of Batman fan's crush. Whether it's the purple dress, or Julie Newmar, or Lee Mariweather,Michelle Pfeiffer, the Animated series or Darwyn Cook's artwork. Everyone has a Catwoman they adore :)
So, there you have it. The five comic book gals that really get my motor running. This is either a really neat or really, really sad. I'll let you make the call :)
Jubilee - If you've been here before, you should already know about my mad Jubilee love. If your new to Monkey Knife Fight. One of the things you should know is I love Jubilation Lee. I have since, the first time a saw her in a comic (The X-Men's Atlantis Attacks Annual). I could go on and on about how much I adore this character. How many gals do you know could appoint themselves Wolverine's sidekick and get him to go along with the program. Really, (to me atleast)it felt more like he was her sidekick most of the time.
Wolfsbane - She's so vulernable and adorable, I just want to wrap my arms around her. She was my favorite New Mutant back in the day, but what really got my crushing hard on her was the way PAD wrote her in the current X-Factor books.
Lady Blackhawk - Ah, Zinda, Zinda, Zinda. What's not to love about Ms. Zinda Blake? She's tough, she likes to drink, she's sweet and sassy and as a bonus she wears a skirt. I am a big fan of girls that wear skirts and dresses, real girls or fictional. If they wear a lot of skirts I'm gonna fall in love with them :)
Kitty Pryde - I think it's alomost a prerequist that if your into comics at one point or another you're gonna have a crush on Kitty.
Catwoman - How could any red-blood guy not crush on Seline Kyle? Honestly,she is like every generation of Batman fan's crush. Whether it's the purple dress, or Julie Newmar, or Lee Mariweather,Michelle Pfeiffer, the Animated series or Darwyn Cook's artwork. Everyone has a Catwoman they adore :)
So, there you have it. The five comic book gals that really get my motor running. This is either a really neat or really, really sad. I'll let you make the call :)
Kitty Pryde,
Lady Blackhawk,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Free Comic Book Day (Yay!)
I had a really good free comic book day, this year. The funniest part was it was my friend, Kristal who had planned out the day and was super psyched about it (even though she's not into comics). She has young sons and rather than trying to keep comics she would buy for them in decent condition, she takes them to Free Comic Book Day every year and that's their comic book outing. So, with her Husband and kids loaded up in the car. We first went to Mile High Comics, which along with FCBD had a buy one get one free deal going on all of their trades and comics. So, while we were there I picked up the latest issues of Madame Xanadu (since meeting her I've become a big fan of Amy Reeder Hadley), JSA and, The Runaways. I also picked the Showcase collection; Wonder Women vol.1 and The Unknown Soldier vol.1. Then we headed over to I Want More Comics! formerly known as Free Time Comics. Which was even cooler as they had Armando Durruthy and Stan Yan were there selling prints and doing drawings and all that. Which was cool and, I said Hi to Armando while I was there still happy with the Guy Gardner drawing he did for me at Comic Fest. AS for the free comics I picked up; I picked Blackest Night #0 (of course)Gold Digger, Contract (which I had been curious about since the rave reviews it got on Fanboy Radio), Atomic Robo and Love & Capes. So, all in all it was a good day for comics all round.
Friday, May 1, 2009
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