Friday, March 26, 2010

With Our Powers Combined...

So, this week I've been re-playing the first Marvel Ultimate Alliance and though I enjoy the game. There are quite a few characters I wish this or the sequel would have made playable and that is what I would like to talk about to day. Which means another list (WOO-HOO!!). For those of you who haven't been here before. I'm a cat that really enjoys make lists. If I can find any excuse to make up a list you better believe I will use it. With that said here is a list of the character I think they should use as playable characters if (or when) the do a third Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

Firestar - Mainly, so I can form a Spiderman and his Amazing Friends team. Since both Spiderman and Iceman have been playable since the first one I think it's only fair to include Firestar in the next one.

Madrox - Granted both him and Firestar are bosses in the second Marvel Alliance game its just not the same and actually, I think it would be great if they included a bunch of X-Factor characters. Including (besides Jamie, Natch); M, Wolfsbane, Strong Guy,Siryn, Beast and, Havok. Plus, it would be fun to have an all Madri team. lol

Jubilee - Because, I love her and think she should be in all things Marvel.

The New Mutants - Or at least Cannonball, Magick, Sunspot and, Warlock (since, I already include Rahne in the X-Factor list).

Kitty Pryde - I'm actually kinda shocked she wasn't in any of the games yet.

Cloak and Dagger - They've had bit part and stuff but making them playable would be so awesome.

Hank Pym - really any of his personae would work.

Well, that's the list. Looking back its a bit mutant heavy but what can I say. I'm a mutie lover. After all if it wasn't for the X-books I would've proably stopped reading Marvel all together years ago and this is my site after all. Agree/Disagree drop my a line about your picks. Have a good wekkend and I'll see ya when I see ya.

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