Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Geeky Confessional

Taking a break from my New Mutant love I figured I'd confess you to you my faithful reads about some of my darkest secrets (okay, they're not really that dark or that much of a secret,lol). But, I feel the need to make a confessional of some of my nerdy likes. Since, I don't really go into this stuff all that much I figured I'd let my guard down and share this stuff with all ya.

I still love Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. I don't know what it is about this show. But, something about it just hits all my geek buttons. Maybe its something about the joys and wonder of childhood and my memories of sitting in front of the TV as a young lad and watching the adventures of Pete, Bobby and Angelica or maybe its just that this was just an awesome show that has stood the test of time alot better than the shows it competed against back in the day. Who knows.

I enjoy collecting lots of GL paraphernalia. From Green Lantern rings and shirts and my Green Lantern jacket. It probably doesn't hurt that my favorite color is green and sadly, I am still waiting for them to make a GL bowling shirt.

My New Mutant love. Since I have made a few posts on this one. I won't go into much detail other than I really dig this book.

Jubilee! If you have read this blog with any regularity it will become apparent that I am a bit fixated on Ms. Jubilation Lee. It all started as a lad when I purchased the X-Men's Atlantis Attacks Annual which featured a short Jubilee story in one of her first appearances and ever since then. I have been smitten.

Since, i don't want to give away all of my geeky secrets I think I'll leave it at this before I depress myself and must get drunk until this shame no longer saddens me.
Good night and good luck :P

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