Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Curse of the Mutants
Since, Wolverine and Jubilee is coming out tomorrow, I felt I would share my thoughts with you my fine readers on what I thought about the the Curse of the Mutants and X-Men vs. Vampires storylines. First off, I did not go into this series thinking I would like it. In fact, the main reason I even started reading it was so I could get my Jubilee fix (as I've stated many times on here I'm a huge jubilee fan). So, going in I thought it was just a ploy to cash in on the whole vampire thing but, in reading it I ended up really enjoying it. I especially enjoyed X-Men vs. Vampires since lately I've been leaning towards anthologies rather than single issues. Because, I enjoy getting a few stories about different characters rather than one long story and the first story in X-Men vs. Vampires is what really sold me since it starred Husk and I really like all the Generation X characters and feel they should be used more. Beyond that I really enjoyed how Jubilee tricked Wolverine and also loved the fight scene in issue #5 with all the hard skinned mutants front and center and Iceman being blessed by the priest. For me this series was really well executed. My only real complaint about it was the design of Blade. I haven't seen him in much lately, so maybe this is how he looks in all of his appearances, but to me his design made him look super gay. What I mean by that is that he looked like total rough trade stereotype, with his moustache and a haircut that one of the cats from the WWF tag team Legion of Doom would be sporting. This is not to say that it's wrong to have gay characters or that people shouldn't be into what ever tickles their fancy. But, to me it was just a bit jarring seeing this guy who is supposed to be this badass vampire slayer, and feeling like It's raining men was playing in the background every time he showed up or that his catch phrase should be "FABULOUS!" Other than that I thought the creative team did a really good job and I liked how it ended with Cyclops telling Dracula to watch his step or else... and Dracula just just being like "alright." All in all a good series and I can't wait for Wolverine and Jubilee to hit the shelves.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Another Anniversary
Well, this month Monkey Knife Fight turns 2 and I would like to thank all of you who have come and checked out my little section of the Internets along with the people who have began following me on here and a special thank you to everyone who has left comments for me. You folks make me glad to write this blog as well as proving that even my ramblings have a place on the net. Now that I've thanked everyone, I would like to proclaim that as long as I feel I have something to say I will continue writing Monkey Knife Fight and hopefully I will be better at regularly posting on here. I'm also going to make more of an effort in being less random in my subject matter. I know I have been really lousy in regularly posting in the last year and for that I apologize to all my regular viewers (Hi, mom)and to make up for that I will do my best to post more and be more coherent in my ramblings. When I first started this blog, I figured I'd have enough to say for a few months or that I would maybe be able to think of enough content for maybe a year. Now here we are heading into the toddler stage of Monkey Knife Fight, the blog has learned to walk and now it's all about jamming things into electrical sockets. Hopefully, I've learned something in these last couple of years that will make me a better blogger and Monkey knife fight will continue to grow. Though, before I go I feel I should talk a little about the failed endeavour that was Quarter Bin Reviews. For those of you that don't know, this year I attempted to create another blog. I started it because I wanted to stretch out of my comfort zone of just writing about whatever fool idea comes into my head and actually have a purpose, as well as trying to learn how to write proper reviews. I was only able to do a couple of full reviews before it fizzled out and though I did enjoy writing it. I just ended up not having the free time to read (terrible) old comic books and write up entertaining reviews and they ended up being more retellings of the stories than actual reviews and though, Quarter Bin Reviews ended up crashing and burning. I still have a few other things I may try doing on another blog. but, for now I'm just working on Monkey Knife Fight. I have no clue what the coming year will bring, but I hope I will learn to find the time to post here more often than I have been. Once again a big thank you to everyone who has dropped by and I hope to continue entertaining you for as long as I have an opinion about comics and the worlds they inhabit and of course, to spread the word about the awesomeness that is Jubilation Lee.
comic books,
Monkey Knife Fight,
random thoughts
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Paige and Rahne
So, lately I've been thinking about how awesome it would be if Marvel let me write Marvel Team-Up and who I would team-up (besides the War Machine Gambit team-up I wrote about a few months ago) and one I came up with that I think would be all kinds of awesome is Husk(Paige Guthrie) and Wolfsbane(Rahne Sinclair). Now anyone who has been here before probably already knows how much I love Wolfsbane, as I've written about that love quite a few times here at Monkey Knife Fight. Though, I haven't written as much about how much I dig Husk (mainly because of my made love for her teamate Jubilee) I really dig Sam's sister and have been so happy that she and Jubilee have been getting a bunch of screen time in the X-Men vs. Vampires books(which is an awesome series if you haven't gotten the chance to check it out). Anyways back to the main topic, I think it would be fun to have these two team up. Since, we haven't seen them interact much in the books even though they both are connected to Cannonball in one way or another. I also, like this pairing because any criminal who ran into them would certainly start thinking about a new vocation after tangling with these two, since their powers are pretty freaky. I think that their differing personalities would make for some neat moments throughout the story and they would both get a chance to show off different parts of their personalities we don't often get to see. Plus, it would be neat to have them talk about Cannonball and his goofiness. If you want to know more about what I'd do with this pairing, I guess you'll just have to start petitioning Marvel to let me write Marvel Team-Up.

comic books,
Marvel Team-Up,
Sam Guthrie,
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