Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yay! A New Post

Since I haven't done this in awhile, I thought today I'd lay out a couple of things I would do if I was Editor In Chief of Marvel. The first would be that when they show a crowd scene at a nightclub or bar or whatever, somewhere in the background there would be a Madrox dupe. I think this would be a fun idea and a neat little Where's Waldo type gag running through all the Marvel books.
Next I would create a Marvel Team-Up book that each month would focus on a completely different team (I've already listed some of my favorite ideas for one in previous posts) and finally, I would have a series devoted to the misadventures of Wolfsbane and Husk. I really think this would make for an awesome series especially considering both gals' connection to Cannonball.
Oh, something that I would do if I ever got to write a Spider-Man book, every couple of issues I would tease that the next book would be the one where Spidey gets married.