Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Comic Fest 2011 (just a tad late)

Even though it's been almost two weeks since I went to Comic Fest here in Denver, life had been a little too hectic to do any posts on it until now :(
So, like the last couple of years I had fun, but it's also getting to where the comic book area is getting to small. There weren't as many vendors there as the previous years but, luckily wasn't quite as cramped as it was last year. I got a copy of the Generation X movie, an Autograph from Amy Reeder for my copy of Batwoman #0 as well as a nice stack of quarter bin goodness.
Besides, the holiday this last weekend (Easter). My Sister welcomed a new son to the world the day after Comic Fest and a few other things have kept me from being able to post :( I have a couple of posts I'm working on that will hopefully be up here soon as well prepping a script I'm hoping to get published (Sadly it's not the Irredeemable X-Men, since apparently Axel Alonso does not read my blog). But, I'm attempting to get a few pokers in the fire (so to speak) and until then I'm hoping to get on here more often (like I have been saying for months now I would). Well, I should probably end my rambling now before I left out too many details of my life and as always I hope my few faithfull readers are doing well :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

That bridge is cursed, ya know

Sorry, once again my faithful readers. I've been meaning to post more regularly, but lately I just haven't been able to think of anything to write, even though quite a bit has been happening in comics this last month. On another note this weekend is Comic Fest here in Denver, and I'm pretty psyched once agian Amy Reeder and Matthew Sturges will be there along with J. Scott Cambell and a bunch of other folks. Of course, I have been reading Wolverine and Jubilee (which btw is awesome) and last week I started reading Batgirl, which I should have been doing all along since I dig Stephanie Brown and all but something about it just hadn't clicked with me before. The Valentine's issue was pretty entertaining probably even more so since it guest starred Clarion the witch boy and the end literally had me laughing out loud. I was a bit sad that Deadpool Corps. ended this month, but so far Deadpool Family is making up for it. Maybe it's time for another post mortem review so I can get more in-depth with what made me enjoy Deadpool Corps so much. Well, I think that's enough rambling for now. Just thought I would catch all you fine folks up on what's been going on in the world of Jay.